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《中华人民共和国科学技术普及法》中指出,“各类学校及其教育机构,应当把科普作为素质教育的重要内容,组织学生开展多种形式的科普活动”。在新时期培养青少年对科学技术的兴趣和爱好,增强其创新精神和实践能力,引导他们树立科学思想、科学态度。逐步形成科学的世界观和方法论,是提高我国青少年科技素质,保障我国“科教兴国”战略顺利实施和中华民族伟大复兴的长期战略性工程,我们要从战略的高度充分认识加强青少年科学技术普及工作,提高青少年科技素养的重要意义。加强青少年的科普教育,为国家的发展提供强有力的人才支撑。 According to the “Law of the People’s Republic of China on Popularization of Science and Technology”, “All kinds of schools and their educational institutions should take science popularization as an important part of quality education and organize students to carry out various forms of popular science activities.” In the new era, they should cultivate young people’s interest in and interest in science and technology, enhance their innovative spirit and practical ability, and guide them to establish scientific thinking and scientific attitude. To gradually form a scientific world outlook and methodology is a long-term strategic project to enhance the scientific and technological quality of our young people and ensure the successful implementation of the strategy of “rejuvenating our country through science and education” and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. We should fully understand from a strategic perspective the importance of strengthening the popularization of science and technology among adolescents Work, improve the scientific and technological accomplishments of young people of great significance. We will step up popular science education for young people and provide strong personnel support for the development of our country.
The reporter recently learned from Jiangxi Province Geological Mineral Prospecting & Development Bureau that following the discovery of ultra large tungsten min
掺入少量高效减水剂可以配制高强度混凝土,但是会造成坍落度损失明显。文中概述了坍落度损失机理及坍落度的保持方法,介绍了几种新型高效减水剂及其应用、发展。 Mixed with
从最近签证官考察移民申请人的写作题目上看,写作内容所涉及的范围非常广泛,有关于生活评论的、见闻描述的、文学鉴赏的,还有异想天开的等等。 但不管是什么类型的题目,签证
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