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写字是一项重要的语文基本功。对于提高学生的文化素养起着重要作用。俗话说:“字如其人”。这就要求我们在教学时,不仅要突出强调写字的方法和技巧,还要使学生能感受到汉字的结构美、形体美和写好字的成就感,更要陶冶学生情操,磨炼其意志,使他们形成良好的学习习惯。一、兴趣成就永恒孔子说:“知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。”有兴趣才有动力,有兴趣才有潜力,有兴趣才有主动性和积极性,孩子们都是喜欢听故事的,在听故事的时候他们聚精会神,比以往任何时 Writing is an important language basic skill. For improving the cultural quality of students plays an important role. As the saying goes: “characters as people ”. This requires us not only to highlight the methods and techniques of writing, but also to enable students to feel the sense of accomplishment of the structure of the Chinese characters, physical beauty and writing the characters, but also to cultivate the students sentiment, exercise their will to make They form good study habits. First, the achievements of interest Eternal Confucius said: “people who know better than the good, those who are better than those who love. ” Interested only motivated, interested have the potential to have the interest to have the initiative and enthusiasm, the children They all like to listen to stories, and when they listen to stories, they are more attentive than ever before
针对桥面铺装裂纹的产生原因,介绍了采用短钢筋头支撑双层钢筋网在桥梁补强中所起的作用。 Aiming at the reason of cracks in deck pavement, the effect of using double