Mr. Huang Yongyu Ninety Splendid Works of Art Eight volumes (eight) The volume of six volumes of literature (sixteen) Hunan beauty wooden press 承蒙 Mr. Huang Yongyu generously answered, the works of all the selected works by their own validated. A limited edition of 200 sets of special hardcover books, art and literary series respectively with a copy of Huang Lao authorized copy of a pair of bronze sculpture works as a book, these sculptures Huang Lao 90s of last century, the creation of the “sunshine” two (high 35 cm), “smile with flowers” two (25 cm high), and with the autograph signed by Huang Lao autograph. Complete Works by the import of sheepskin envelope dyeing, fine texture, fine linen cloth clamshell Netherlands cardboard box, inside and outside mounted high-quality