
来源 :河北农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hgjiao
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品种特征特性 盐南2号,自苗期起,长势旺,出叶快,叶片大而稍有短刺,叶稍长,植株高大,抗倒伏,开花集中,结荚均匀,一次有效枝14.5个,单株有效结果462个左右,千粒重在4.5克,含油量为40.38%,一般亩产量在256公斤以上,高产攻尖田块381公斤。比对照品种秦油3号亩增产38.6公斤。 适期播种抓全苗 在保证培育冬前壮苗的前提下越冬,直播、散播的适期以北方早秋气温较高,病毒病较重,可适期晚播5~7天;南方可适期早播5~7天。播深为2厘米为宜,干旱地区,播种后要及时碾压播行保墒。山地、丘陵、高闲堆坡等可直接散播,亩用种为0.5公斤左右。 培育壮苗促早发 盐南2号要高产,培育壮苗是关键。在北方要抓紧抓好油麻菜的安全越冬,一般要求7~8片绿叶,根茎粗在1.2厘米左右,不旺长抽台即为壮苗。盐南2号在全国23个省、市157个试种点示范观察冬前栽培的无任何死苗现象。证明盐南2号适应性较强,不择土壤,精细耕地,施足基肥,增施磷、钾、硼肥。播期或移栽前,要求土地深耕细耙,亩施土杂粪3000公斤或碳酸氢铵40~50公斤,过磷酸钙40~50公斤,南方稻区亩再增加施氯化钾25公斤左右。 Variety characteristics Yannan No. 2, since the seedling period, prosperous, leaf out quickly, the leaves are large and slightly short thorns, leaves slightly longer, tall plants, lodging, flowering concentrated, pod even, an effective branch of 14.5 , 462 single plants effective results, grain weight of 4.5 grams, oil content of 40.38%, generally more than 256 kilograms of output per mu, 382 kilograms of high yield offensive fields. Than the control varieties Qin You 3 acres increased 38.6 kg. Appropriate seeding grasping the whole seedlings in the winter to ensure strong pre-winter seedlings under the premise of livelihood, live, spread of the appropriate period to the northern early autumn temperature is higher, the virus disease heavier, may be suitable for late sowing 5-7 days; Early broadcast 5 to 7 days. Sowing depth of 2 cm is appropriate, arid areas, timely sowing after sowing preservation of soil moisture. Mountain, hills, high leisure pile slope can be directly disseminated, mu for the species of about 0.5 kg. Promote strong seedlings to promote early salt on the 2nd to high-yielding, nurturing strong seedlings is the key. In the north, we must pay close attention to the safety of oilleaf overwintering, and generally require 7 to 8 pieces of green leaves. The root tubers are about 1.2 cm thick. Salt South 2 in 23 provinces, municipalities and 157 pilot planting demonstration demonstration before winter cultivation without any dead seedlings phenomenon. It is proved that Yannan No.2 is more adaptable and does not select soil, fine cultivated land, applied enough base fertilizer, and added phosphorus, potassium and boron fertilizer. Before sowing or transplanting, it is required that the land be planted with fine harrow, 3000 kg of acre soil or 40 to 50 kg of ammonium bicarbonate and 40 to 50 kg of superphosphate, and 25 kg of potassium chloride .