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自新一轮扶贫开发“双到”工作开展以来,陆河县河田镇布金村在省粤电集团公司的大力帮扶下,筹措资金150万元,不仅解决了村民饮水问题,完善了村道硬底化等,还带动村民种植马铃薯和木薯,帮助村民增产增收。省粤电集团公司多次邀请农业专家进行实地考察,发现该村的气候条件和地理环境很适宜种植马铃薯和木薯,其收益比种植水稻要高出许多。为此,省粤电集团为村民免费提供优质种子、化肥,还邀请相关专家和教授举办了两期实用技术培训班,让大家系统地掌握种植、管理马铃薯和木薯的知识。 Since the new round of poverty alleviation and development “double to ” work carried out, Luhe County, Hetian Town, Bujin Village, Yuedian Group, with the great help of the government, raising 1.5 million yuan of funds, not only solved the villagers drinking water problems, improve Village road hard bottom, but also led villagers to plant potatoes and cassava, to help the villagers increase production. Yuedian Group Company repeatedly invited agricultural experts to conduct site visits and found that the climatic conditions and geographical environment of the village are suitable for planting potatoes and cassava, and the yield is much higher than that of planting rice. To this end, the province of YUDEAN Group for the villagers to provide free high-quality seeds, fertilizers, also invited experts and professors held two practical technical training courses for everyone to systematically grasp the cultivation and management of potato and cassava knowledge.
困热念{忿些蕊{蕊瘾蕊凳态潺 选 止黔的蜂的.但在研究地面上物体的运动情况时,通常选羲井拱i{吵3…诗句“满眼风光多闪烁,看山恰似走来迎,仔细看山山厂不动,是船行.’’其中
WHAT ABouT AN ONION?Peter: Nothing is better than an apple,I believe you know the old saying “an apple a day keeps doctors away.”Tom : Oh? but what about an
在《李太白全集》中,我了解了豪放不羁的李白;在《巴黎圣母院》中,我懂得了美的真正内涵;读罢鲁迅的《药》,我回味再三,试图从中寻找拯救民族危亡的良药;看 In “Complete
Ⅰ.Healthy diet. (The food pyramid showswhat you should eat most andwhat you should eat less.Thinkabout it and improve your diet,willyou?)Ⅱ.About camping. (If
拟题/张恒利 一、语言积爪与运用 1.读下面的文段做题。 为了达到这个目的,他们讲究亭台轩榭的布局,讲究假山池沼的配合,讲究花草树木的—,讲究远景近景的层次。 (1)给段中加