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儒家从基于血缘亲情的人伦关系出发,强调修身齐家与治国平天下的一致性,因此特别注重社会公共生活中人际关系的协调,在社会公德方面有着十分丰富的论述,提出了“约之以礼”、恭敬谦让,以和为贵、和谐相处,与人为善、乐于助人,尊老爱幼、扶贫济弱等社会公德要求和行为准则。儒家所提出的这些社会公共生活准则,至今仍然在人们的生活实践和行为选择中发挥着重要作用,对于良好的人际关系、社会环境和道德氛围的形成,对于社会风气的根本好转和社会主义和谐社会的建构都具有重要意义。 Confucianism, starting from the relationship between men and women based on blood and affection, emphasizes the consistency between self-cultivation and governing the country. Therefore, with particular emphasis on the coordination of human relations in public life, Confucianism has a very rich exposition in terms of social morality and proposes a " To respect the courtesy, humility, harmony and harmony, good and helpful, respect for the old and love the child, weakness and weakness and other social ethics requirements and codes of conduct. These norms of social public life proposed by Confucianism still play an important role in the people’s life practice and behavior choice. For the good interpersonal relationships, the formation of social environment and moral atmosphere, the fundamental improvement of social ethos and the harmonious socialism The construction of society is of great significance.
本文系1988年6月至1989年6月赴西非几内亚医疗队期间,对几内亚科纳克里市的部分人群进行的弓形虫感染情况的血清学调查。现将有关资料简报如下。1 调查对象和调查方法共调查
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