树立科技是第一生产力思想 加快福建省轻纺科技的发展——’95福建省轻纺科技工作会议总结

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这次会议是在省轻工业厅成建制转为省轻纺工业总公司后第一个专业性会议,总公司党组及领导十分重视,专门听取了会议筹备情况的汇报,并作了重要指示。会议于1995年1月14日至16日在福州召开,各地市轻纺工业局(公司),厅直属企业、研究所、设计院、各专业公司等的负责同志和代表共计82人参加了会议。 福建省轻纺工业总公司梁模副总经理代表党组做了题为“依靠科技、开拓进取、努力为我省轻纺工业争创新优势作贡献”的报告。 各级领导都很关心支持这次科技会议,总公司党组书记、董事长王能光,总公司党组副书记、总经理王学鼎,省科委主任吴城,副主任林炳承、符卫国,省经贸委副主任王师芾、福州市经委副主任何喜冠,省科委工业处处长林长平,省经贸委科技处处长黄炳文、王学心等到会指导并对我省轻纺科技工作做了重要指示。 这次大会根据总公司领导的意见进行了科技信息专场发布会,邀请了福州大学,福建农大,福建师大,省轻工、造纸、纺织研究所,省凯特发展总公司,省福联技术开发公司等八个单位在大会上介绍了适用于轻纺工业的科技成果为“产、学、研”相结合沟通信息和进行合作打下了基础。希望在今后能够更加密切地长期合作。福州市轻工业局、南平地区轻工业局、龙岩地区纺织工业公司等三个地市轻纺工业 The conference was the first professional conference after the Provincial Department of Light Industry was transformed into the Provincial Textile and Textile Industry Corporation. The Party Group and the leaders of the Corporation attached great importance to it, specifically listened to the report on the preparation of the conference and made important instructions. The conference was held in Fuzhou from January 14 to January 16, 1995. A total of 82 responsible comrades and representatives from companies, research institutes, design institutes, and professional companies from various local textile and textile industry bureaus (companies) participated in the conference. . On behalf of the Party Group, Deputy General Manager Liang Momo of Fujian Province Textile Industry Corporation made a report entitled “Relying on science and technology, pioneering and making great efforts to make contributions to our province’s light textile industry for innovative advantages”. Leaders at all levels are very concerned about supporting this science and technology conference. The head of the company’s party group and the chairman Wang Nengguang, the deputy secretary of the head office of the parent company, Wang Xueding, the director of the provincial science and technology commission, Wu Cheng, the deputy director Lin Bingcheng and Fu Weiguo, the deputy director of the provincial economic and trade commission Shi Yi, Fu Qizhou, Deputy Director of the Economic Commission, Xie Guan, Lin Changping, Director of the Provincial Department of Science and Industry, Huang Bingwen and Wang Xuexin, Directors of the Department of Science and Technology of the Provincial Economic and Trade Commission attended the meeting and gave important instructions on the province’s light textile technology work. The conference conducted a special conference for scientific and technological information according to the opinions of the head of the company and invited Fuzhou University, Fujian Agricultural University, Fujian Normal University, Provincial Light Industry, Paper, Textile Research Institute, Provincial Kate Development Corporation, Provincial Fulian Technology Development. Eight companies including the company introduced the scientific and technological achievements applicable to the textile industry at the conference and laid the foundation for combining information, communication and cooperation for “production, learning, and research”. It is hoped that the long-term cooperation will be closer in the future. Fuzhou City Light Industry Bureau, Nanping District Light Industry Bureau, Longyan Area Textile Industry Company, etc.
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