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叶培建答记者问摘要:——“中国实际上很多事情想得都是很早的。探月的设想,早前也有科学家提出过,但当时没有立项。实际上,中国科学院有许多科学家都对月球进行过研究,并有了一些认识和成果。虽然我国的月球探测起步较晚,但起点不低。我们的科学目标是,做别人没做过的事。别人已经做过的,我们要有新的发现,能够对原来的结果加以补充和完善;别人没有做过的, Ye Peijian A reporter’s question Abstract: - ”In fact, many things in China think very early." The idea of ​​exploring the moon was proposed by scientists earlier but was not approved at that time. In fact, many scientists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences The moon has been studied with some understanding and results.Although our country’s lunar exploration started late, its starting point is not low.Our scientific goal is to do what others have not done.Other people have done, we have to have New discoveries, to be able to supplement and improve the original results; others have not done before,
美国麻省理工学院的两名科学家研究发现,穿着太空服的宇航员在月球上活动时,跑步比步行更节省体力。科学家认为,由于月球的引力只有地球的1/6,再穿上特制的 A study by two
美国特拉华州Wilmington的Basell(巴塞尔)聚烯烃(美国)公司(很快就要更名为Lyondell- Basell工业公司)推出其专利技术的汽车油箱用HDPE树脂新系列牌号,其特点是耐生物柴油燃
China’s latest space mission will include the country’s first free walk The mission of Shenzhou 7 is aimed at mastering two keytechnologies necessary for sett
浙江中烟工业公司(以下简称“浙江中烟”)以财务为核心的信息化整合四期项目验收会顺利召开。浙江中烟信息中心、审计部、财务部、物流部相关领导出席会议。 Zhejiang Tobac
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China forges ahead in developing rocket launch technolegy china has taken an important step forward in developing its next-generation carrier rocket with large