Per rectal portal scintigraphy as a useful tool for predicting esophageal variceal bleeding in cirrh

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bb314949909
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AIM: To investigate potential roles of per rectal portal scintigraphy in diagnosis of esophageal varices and predicting the risk of bleeding.METHODS: Fifteen normal subjects and fifty cirrhotic patients with endoscopically confirmed esophageal varices were included. Patients were categorized into bleeder and non-bleeder groups according to history of variceal bleeding. All had completed per rectal portal scintigraphy using 99mTechnetium pertechnetate. The shunt index was calculated from the ratio of 99mTechnetium pertechnetate in the heart and the liver. Data were analyzed using Student’s t-test and receiver operating characteristics.RESULTS: Cirrhotic patients showed a higher shunt index than normal subjects (63.80 ± 25.21 vs 13.54 ± 6.46, P < 0.01). Patients with variceal bleeding showed a higher shunt index than those without bleeding (78.45 ± 9.40 vs 49.35 ± 27.72, P < 0.01). A shunt index of over 20% indicated the presence of varices and that of over 60% indicated the risk of variceal bleeding.CONCLUSION: In cirrhotic patients, per rectal portal scintigraphy is a clinically useful test for identifying esophageal varices and risk of variceal bleeding. AIM: To investigate potential roles of per rectal portal scintigraphy in diagnosis of esophageal varices and predicting the risk of bleeding. METHODS: Fifteen normal subjects and fifty cirrhotic patients with endoscopically confirmed esophageal varices were included. Patients were categorized into bleeder and non-bleeder groups according to history of variceal bleeding. All had completed per rectal portal scintigraphy using 99mTechnetium pertechnetate. The shunt index was calculated from the ratio of 99mTechnetium pertechnetate in the heart and the liver. Data were analyzed using Student’s t-test and receiver operating characteristics .RESULTS Patients with variceal bleeding showed a higher shunt index than those without bleeding (78.45 ± 9.40 vs 49.35 ± 27.72, P <0.01 (P <0.01) ) A shunt index of over 20% indicated the presence of varices and that of over 60% indicated the risk o f variceal bleeding. CONCLUSION: In cirrhotic patients, per rectal portal scintigraphy is a clinically useful test for identifying esophageal varices and risk of variceal bleeding.
1937年7月7日,日本侵略军在北平西南的卢沟桥附近,以军事演习为名,突然向中国驻军第二十九军发动进攻。我二十九军官兵奋起抵抗,拉开了中国人民反全面抗战的序幕。  倭寇的铁蹄横行中华大地,实行灭绝人性的“三光”政策,打着“大东亚共荣”的旗号,肆意践踏中华文明。中华儿女历经日复一日、年复一年的浴血奋战,终于在1945年8月,迫使日本无条件投降。抗日战争的胜利洗刷了中国近代以来的民族屈辱,成为中华民族
感悟 不论你是刚从这场“没有硝烟的战争”中全身而退,还是已经成为“象牙塔”的一员,亦或是已经步入社会,那段专属六月的高考记忆,已经作为青春的烙印永留心间。俞敏洪和马云都来自教育条件并不好的地区,他们都历经人生的坎坷,但他们都靠不变的信念及不懈的努力实现了自己的目标……高考只是人生中一个小小的门槛,迈过去之前,不妨让心灵先休息一下,放下压力,也许能走得更远。  既然生活道路是如此的曲折、复杂,人们就