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学英语似乎已经有了一种不成文的模式:背单词,学会话,抠语法,看文章。 这个模式有一定效果:没多少日子就背了几百个常用词,日常会话也懂了一些,再把语法手册看一遍,竟然能看文章了。但下一步就难了,生词太多记不住。待废寝忘食地把生词解决了,文章还是看不懂;弄清主谓宾定状的位置、关系,还犹如隔纱观景、雾里看花,拿不准、吃不透。 究其原因是:从生词直接跳到了篇章,漏掉(即跨越)了表达意义的基本单位——句子,所以缺少了一个重要的基本环节,自然容易碰壁。 Learning English seems to have an unwritten pattern: back words, conversations, grammar, and articles. This model has a certain effect: There aren’t many days on the back of hundreds of commonly used words, everyday conversations also understand some, and then read the grammar manual again, even to see the article. But the next step is hard, too many words can not remember. To solve the problem, the article still can’t be understood; the position and relationship between the subject and the guest are clear. It’s like seeing the scene and seeing the flowers in the fog. The reason is: from the direct translation of the new words to the chapter, missing (that is, across) the basic unit of expression - the sentence, so the lack of an important basic link, naturally easy to hit the wall.
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从一个只有四个床位的街边洗脚店,到拥有500多家连锁店的足疗航母,草根渝商郭家富十年磨一剑。小小洗脚城,也可以做成一个年产值10多亿的大产业。在创业板150家候选企业名单中,家富富侨赫然入列,成为国内首家启动上市筹备工作的足浴企业,有望发出中国第一只“洗脚”股票。  按照行业利润57%计算,年产值13亿元家富富侨创造利润6.84亿元,按上市后40倍PE计算,郭家富家族资产218.88亿元。