“电气王国”不称雄 敢闯国外一片天——记三实熔断器制造有限公司总经理黄旭雄

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黄旭雄,1970年9月出生,温州柳市人,现任三实熔断器制造有限公司总经理兼总工程师。他在企业中从事经营管理工作,知识面广,知识结构比较完善。有较强的理论基础和实务操作能力,在长期的工作实践中形成了对企业运作比较独到的理解。善于观察分析市场的运作规律,并适度超前地挖掘市场的潜在需求。加强企业内部管理,建立和完善新的运行机制,在组织和管理制度上狠下功夫,提高了企业的整体素质和活力。积累了丰富的实践经验,先后有多项成果问世,产生了较好的经济效益和社会效益。他发明了实用新型“熔断器”,并获得了国家专利。 企业资料:三实公司的经营理念是“诚实、信实、求实”,合称“三实”。三实公司专业生产各种高低压熔断器。公司引进先进技术,目前已开发、生产产品近400多个规格。产品远销东南亚、南美、中东和东欧等地区。公司成立于1995年,现有员工70余人,年产值2000多万元。该公司于2000年获TUV(德国注册)ISO9002质量体系认证和产品安全认证。公司始终以质量为首位,并投入重资开发新产品。其中高压熔断器XRNT-12kV已于2001年4月通过国家高压电器研究所测试。 Huang Xiongxiong, born in September 1970, Wenzhou Liushi, is the general manager and chief engineer of Sansei Fuse Manufacturing Co., Ltd. He engaged in business management in the enterprise, a wide range of knowledge, knowledge structure is relatively perfect. Has a strong theoretical foundation and practical ability to operate in the long-term work practices formed a more understanding of the operation of the enterprise. Good at observing and analyzing the operation of the market rules, and a modest advance to tap the potential market demand. Strengthen internal management of enterprises, establish and perfect new operating mechanism, make great efforts in organization and management system, and improve the overall quality and vitality of enterprises. Has accumulated rich practical experience, there have been a number of achievements came out, resulting in better economic and social benefits. He invented the utility model “Fuse” and won the national patent. Corporate Information: Sanshi’s business philosophy is “honest, honest, realistic,” collectively known as the “Truth.” Sanshi company specializing in the production of various high and low voltage fuses. The company introduced advanced technology, has been developed, producing nearly 400 products specifications. Products are exported to Southeast Asia, South America, the Middle East and Eastern Europe and other regions. Founded in 1995, the existing staff of more than 70 people, more than 20 million yuan in output value. The company in 2000 by TUV (Germany registered) ISO9002 quality system certification and product safety certification. The company has always been the quality of the first, and invested heavily in the development of new products. One high-voltage fuse XRNT-12kV in April 2001 by the National Institute of high voltage electrical test.
本论文以功能学派的句法演变观为研究视角,综合运用了构式语法理论、标记理论等多种研究理论方法,对汉语受事前置有标记构式作了系统研究。   首先,界定了汉语有标记构式的三
建立了丹磺酰氯柱前衍生/高效液相色谱测定牙膏中氨甲环酸(TA)的方法.牙膏经甲醇提取、氮吹至干,再用丹磺酰氯进行衍生.衍生物通过X-Bridge C18色谱柱(250 mm×4.6 mm×5μm)
中国现代乡土文学理论(1917-1949)大致经历了早期带有“阐释”性质的理论建构,以及后来带有“立法”性质的理论言说两个阶段。   在借鉴西方现代思想的基础上,早期乡土文学