
来源 :中国军转民 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:glsdap
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2013年4月23日,军民结合、寓军于民武器装备科研生产体系建设部际协调小组第二次会议在京召开,审议通过《国务院中央军委关于建立和完善军民结合寓军于民武器装备科研生产体系的若干意见》(国发[2010]37号)贯彻落实工作进展情况和2013年重点任务。部际协调小组组长、工业和信息化部部长苗圩出席会议并讲话。苗圩要求,要集中力量研究解决影响全局的重点难点问题, On April 23, 2013, the second meeting of the inter-ministerial coordinating group of the army and the civilian in the research and production system of the armed forces equipment was convened in Beijing. The second meeting of the Central Military Commission under the State Council on establishing and improving the military-civilian combination with the army in the civilian weaponry and equipment research Several Opinions on Production System "(Guo Fa [2010] No. 37) to implement the work progress and 2013 key tasks. Inter-ministerial coordination group leader, Miao Wei, minister of industry and information technology attended the meeting and delivered speeches. Miao Wei requirements, we must focus on research to address the key issues affecting the overall situation,
为了提高邮政储蓄业务管理水平和安全防范能力 ,加大打击破坏邮政储蓄犯罪分子的力度 ,各省都开始有计划地建设邮储网点的电视监控系统。电视监控系统现有两种模式 :一种是目
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