
来源 :中国特色社会主义研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haobishuiduo
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中共十一届三中全会不但掀开了中国特色社会主义现代化建设“伟大事业”的新篇章,而且启动了执政党建设“新的伟大工程”。30多年来,执政党建设理论体系经过新时期的继承和开创、新时期新阶段的探索和创新、新世纪新形势和新起点上的发展和完善,在理论基点方面,始终坚持实事求是的思想路线,不断推进中国特色社会主义理论的创新,提出并坚持新时期的基本路线和基本纲领,准确判断党的历史方位,明确提出执政党建设工程总目标;在内部建设方面,在继承思想、组织、作风三大建设基础上,先后增加了制度建设和反腐倡廉建设内容,形成“五大建设”格局;在外部建设上,明确提出了执政能力建设这一新课题及其多方面和多层次目标要求。更为重要的是在新世纪新形势下凸显了先进性建设这一根本建设的战略意义。这样就形成了“一条主线,五大建设”的执政党建设理论体系。 The Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of CPC not only opened a new chapter in the “great cause” of socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics, but also started the construction of the ruling party and “new great project.” In the past 30 years or more, the theoretical system of ruling party construction has inherited and opened up in the new period, the exploration and innovation in the new stage in the new period, the new situation in the new century, and the development and improvement on a new starting point. In terms of theoretical basis, the ideological line of seeking truth from facts has always been adhered to. , Constantly promote the innovation of the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics, put forward and adhere to the basic line and basic program in the new era, accurately judge the party’s historical position and clearly put forward the general objective of the ruling party’s construction project; in terms of internal construction, Based on the three major constructions of work style, we have successively increased the contents of system construction and anti-corruption and incorruptible government building and formed the pattern of “five major constructions”. On the external construction, we have clearly proposed the new task of governing capability building and its multifaceted and multi-level Target requirements. What is more important is that under the new situation of the new century, the strategic significance of building a progressive nature as the fundamental construction has been highlighted. In this way, a theoretical system of building a ruling party with “one main thread, five major constructions” is formed.
先天性胆道闭锁是一种少见的先天性疾病,50年代前该病的死亡率很高,是新生儿时期梗阻性黄疸的主要病因之一[1];发病率为1/8 000~1/14 000,男女比例为1∶2[2].此病发病原因尚不