发挥优势 履行职责 为县域经济发展提供强有力的保证

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自治区党委、政府去年作出关于加快县域经济发展的《决定》和区直、中直驻邕单位定点联系发展县域经济的《通知》下发后,自治区党委组织部坚持从大局出发,严格按照自治区党委、政府的部署和要求,把指导和帮扶定点联系平果县发展县域经济作为组织部门服务经济建设的首位任务来抓.认真履行帮扶职责,加强指导、悉心帮扶,出谋献策、理顺思路,协调关系、排忧解难,努力推进平果县县域经济的快速健康发展。2004年,平果县在全国西部经济百强县中列第22位,被评为“广西经济发展10佳县”。全县生产总值突破50亿元、规模以上工业总产值完成56.86亿元、财政收入完成7.46亿元,同比分别增长25.5%、31.72%、25.58%。 Last year, the party committees and governments of the autonomous regions issued the “Decision” to speed up the development of the county economy and the “Circular” issued by the departments directly under the Central Government and the units directly under the Central Government in order to develop the county economy. The organization department of the party committees in the autonomous region, proceeding from the overall situation in strict accordance with the “ , The deployment and requirements of the government, guide and help fixed-point contact with the development of county economy in Pingguo County, as the first task of organizing economic services sector. Conscientiously perform its duties of helping one another, strengthen guidance, conscientiously help others, offer advice and suggestions, straighten out ideas, coordinate relations, solve problems and make every effort to promote the rapid and healthy economic development in Pingguo County. In 2004, Pingguo County ranked 22nd among the top 100 counties in the western part of China and was named ”Top 10 Economic Development in Guangxi Province". The county’s GDP exceeded 5 billion yuan, above-scale industrial output value 5.686 billion yuan, fiscal revenue completed 746 million yuan, an increase of 25.5%, respectively, 31.72%, 25.58%.
汽车平均故障间隔时间:轿车15000km,客车12000km,载货汽车10000km,新开发设计产品15000~20000km。摩托车平均故障间隔里程:现生产产品6000km,新开发设计产品8000km。轿车质量保证期:2~3年或4万~6万km,普通轿车? Mean time between failures
著名评论家何树青近日撰文称,广东经济还在高速增长,但增幅上已非全国领先了; 在不同的领域,广东正在被超越。这座中国改革开放的黄埔军校,这个对中国人有过全面影响力的军团
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