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生命的意义在于不断接触新的人、新的事和新的风景,在此过程中不断突破自我;而不应被困在安于现状的懒惰和拖延中,不应被困在谨小慎微的逃避和退缩里。人应该为追求信仰而活,努力增加生命的密度,拥有丰盈无悔的人生。回首风雨来时路,是什么让长征中的勇士明知前路有艰险,却依旧跨越万水千山,战胜重重困难,谱写出惊天地泣鬼神的伟大革命诗篇?是坚定不移的信仰,是向着理想勇敢奋进的精神。皑皑雪山掩盖了烈士的躯体,却埋葬不了他们满腔为国为民的赤诚;茫茫沼泽吞噬了革命者的肉体,却掩藏不住他们坚定的信念。一段岁 The meaning of life lies in constant contact with new people, new things and new scenery. In the process, we constantly break ourselves; we should not be trapped in laziness and procrastination that is comfortable with the status quo and should not be trapped in cautious escape and Back in. People should live for the pursuit of faith, work hard to increase the density of their lives, and have an abundance of regretless life. Looking back at the stormy road, what makes the warriors in the Long March know that the frontier is in arduous conditions, yet still transcend the mighty ends of the road and overcome the numerous difficulties in compiling the great revolutionary Psalms in the world shaking away? It is an unswerving belief that it is courageous toward the ideal Endeavor spirit. The snow-capped mountains cover the body of the martyrs, but they can not bury them for the sake of the country’s sincere; swamp swallowed the revolutionary body, but could not hide their firm beliefs. A period of years
为了清晰地反映谐波齿轮啮合情况 ,本文给出了谐波齿轮局部啮合仿真的数学模型和算法 In order to clearly reflect the harmonic gear meshing situation, this paper pres
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“There are people who want to emigrate to Canada, America or Europe where there is nice natural scenery and convenient city construction. But those are not pla
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