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文件立卷就是根据一定的原则与方法,将组织或个人形成的文件组合成保管单位——案卷的工作过程,它是积累和科学管理文件的一项重要业务活动.这项工作由谁来完成,长期以来一直存在着两种不同的认识和做法,即“文书处理部门立卷”和“档案室立卷”.那么,究竟哪一种做法更合理呢?为了澄清这个问题,我们应当充分认清文件立卷工作的特殊性,并对两种做法的实际情况予以认真的考察.文件立卷工作是一种具有双重性的业务活动.在文件运动周期的第二阶段(文件的现实使用阶段),文件承办和处理人员为了便于随时使用和逐渐积累文件,需要临时保存一些文件.在文件多的情况下,更需要加以分类存放.同时,为了防止文件在使用和临时存放过程中的磨损、失(泄)密,往往需要将文件存放在相应的装具(如卷夹、卷盒、卷皮、纸袋等)之 According to certain principles and methods, document rolling refers to the process of organizing the documents formed by organizations or individuals into the working process of the case, which is an important business activity of accumulating and scientifically managing the documents. , There have been two different kinds of perceptions and practices that have long been known as “censorship of departmental documents” and “archival filing.” So which one is more reasonable? To clarify this issue, we should fully recognize The particularity of the work of setting up the documents and the careful examination of the actual situation of the two practices.The work of creating the documents is a kind of dualistic business activities.In the second phase of the document movement cycle ), Document contractors and handling personnel in order to facilitate the use and gradually accumulate documents, the need to temporarily save some of the documents in the case of more documents, more need to be classified storage at the same time, in order to prevent the file in use and temporary storage of wear and tear, Loss (leak) dense, often need to store the file in the appropriate equipment (such as curly folders, roll boxes, rolls, paper bags, etc.)
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尊敬的曾三同志、裴桐同志、吴宝康同志:各位同志: 今天,中国档案学会在这里召开有在京的中央专业系统档案学会、各分会、中央国家机关和北京市的部分档案学会会员参加的大
华盛顿州是美国西北部的一个州,北邻加拿大,西濒太平洋。华盛顿州立大学(Washing-ton State University)坐落在该州东南角的普尔曼(Pullman)。普尔曼是由该大学的建立而形成
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