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选以 CO39为背景的水稻抗稻瘟病近等基因系 ,与稻瘟菌生理小种 ZC13 (菌株 97- 15 1a)组成的3类典型非亲和性互作 ,以亲和性互作为对照 ,对各互作中过氧化物酶 (POD)、苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)、几丁质酶及 β- 1,3-葡聚糖酶的活性变化规律进行了系统研究。完全非亲和性互作 C10 1A5 1/97- 15 1a、高度非亲和性互作 C10 1L AC/ 97- 15 1a及中度非亲和性互作 C10 4 PKT/ 97- 15 1a,POD比活性接种后即开始明显升高 ,4 8h前达到高峰 ,升高趋势一直持续到 7d完全显症时 ,幅度基本与各互作非亲和程度呈正相关 ;亲和性互作 CO39/ 97- 15 1a接种后 4 0 h POD比活性才开始升高 ,4~ 6 d达到高峰 ,峰值也较大。 3类非亲和性互作 PAL比活性在接种后 0 h或 16 h开始较明显升高 ,整个互作中形成 3~ 4个较明显的峰 ;亲和性互作中 PAL比活性一直明显下降。 3类非亲和性互作外切几丁质酶比活性接种后即开始升高 ,基本一直保持升高趋势 ,在 4 0 h前幅度较大 ,并形成 1~ 3个较高的峰 ;亲和性互作外切几丁质酶比活性接种后即开始大幅度升高直至完全显症 ,4 8h后幅度远高于非亲和性互作。 3类非亲和性互作β- 1,3-葡聚糖酶比活性在 2 4 h内开始较明显升高 ,在 4 8h前形成 2~ 3个较明显的峰 ;亲和性互作在接种后 β- 1,3-葡聚 The rice blast resistance proximal isogenic lines with CO39 as the background were selected and interacted with three typical non-affinities of ZC13 ​​(strain 97-151a) The changes of activities of peroxidase (POD), phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL), chitinase and β-1,3-glucanase in each interaction were studied systematically. Complete non-affinitive interactions C10 1A5 1 / 97- 15 1a, Highly non-affinitive interactions C10 1L AC / 97-15a 1a and Moderately non-affinitive interactions C10 4 PKT / 97-15 1a, POD The specific activity began to increase significantly after inoculation and reached the peak before 48 h. The rising trend continued until the complete symptom on 7d, and the amplitude was positively correlated with the degree of non-affinity of each interaction. The affinity interaction of CO39 / 97- After 40 days, the specific activity of POD started to increase at 4 h after inoculation, and peaked at 4 ~ 6 d. The PAL specific activity of the 3 types of non-affinitive interactions was obviously increased at 0 h or 16 h after inoculation, and 3 to 4 obvious peaks were formed in the whole interaction. The specific activity of PAL in the affinity interaction was always high decline. The activity of 3 types of non-affinity interacting exochitinase exogenous chitinase began to increase after inoculation, and basically kept the upward trend, with a large amplitude before 40 h, forming 1 to 3 higher peaks; Affinity Interaction Chitinase specific activity began to increase significantly after inoculation until it became completely symptomatic, and the amplitude was significantly higher after 48 h than in non-affinitive interaction. The specific activity of 3 kinds of non-affinity β-1,3-glucanase began to increase obviously within 24 h, and 2 to 3 obvious peaks were formed before 48 h. The affinity interaction Β-1,3-polyglucamine after inoculation
目的 对已发表的关于联用碳酸锂治疗抑郁症并降低其转躁率的文献进行Meta分析.方法 全面收集关于联用碳酸锂治疗抑郁症并降低其转躁率的对照研究资料,制定标准筛选纳入文献,
目的 通过检测血清及胸水中可溶性Apo-1/Fas(sApo-1/Fas)的水平,探讨其对鉴别良恶性疾病的意义.方法 采用酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)法检测50例恶性胸腔积液患者和48例结核性胸腔
目的 探讨食管胸段鳞癌右喉返神经旁淋巴结转移的相关性因素及其右喉返神经旁淋巴结清扫的临床意义.方法 对300例胸段食管鳞癌切除术中行右喉返神经旁淋巴结清扫患者的临床病
乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)DNA定量检测已越来越受到临床的重视[1~3].我们采用聚合酶链反应(PCR)杂交定量检测试剂测定乙型肝炎(乙肝)患者血清HBV DNA含量,并且对检测试剂作初步评价和
随信息技术迅猛发展 ,电子商务以难以估量的速度发展。电子商务改变着社会经济的各个方面 ,电子商务有着广阔的前景。但电子商务在法律、税收、安全等方面存在着很多问题 ,要
目的 克隆F13型致肾盂肾炎大肠杆菌 (UPEC) 132株的粘附素基因papG并作序列分析。 方法 根据Ⅰ型papG(papGJ96 )和Ⅱ型 papG(papGIA2 )基因序列设计 3条引物 ,PG2和PG3分别
目的 探讨放烧复合伤小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞数量、形态及其IL 12基因表达变化的复合效应。方法 于单纯放射损伤 (5Gy)或放烧复合伤 (5Gy合并 12 %II度烧伤 )后不同时相点分离、
目的 探讨不同生长特性的人宫颈癌细胞亚克隆株CS0 3和CS0 7与其细胞周期相关基因的关系。方法 采用流式细胞仪对两株细胞进行细胞周期分析 ,用含有 2 34条人类全长细胞周