The purpose is to provide the basis for the health administrative department to complete the occupational health check-up and acceptance of the new construction roller of a project so as to protect the health of laborers. Methods The methods of on-the-spot occupational hygiene investigation, workplace occupational hazards detection and checklist were used to make a comprehensive analysis and evaluation. Results The site selection, general layout and equipment layout, building hygiene, occupational health protection facilities and occupational health management of the construction project basically met the requirements of relevant state laws and regulations. The main occupational hazards in the production process include dust (welding fume, Whetstone dust, other dusts), toluene, xylene, isopropanol, butyl acetate, lead dust, chromates, hydrogen peroxide, dibutyl phthalate, manganese and its inorganic compounds, ozone, carbon monoxide, Nitrogen dioxide, noise, UV radiation, power frequency electric field and so on. Conclusion This project is a serious construction project with serious occupational hazards. The control measures of occupational hazards are basically effective and meet the requirements of relevant health laws and standards in China.