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森林负离子在吸收尘埃、净化空气、改善环境和人类健康方面发挥着重要的作用。本研究以天水市麦积城郊2013年实测绿地负离子数据为据,应用偏相关分析、空间变异分析、克里格插值、重分类、缓冲区分析等方法,对麦积城郊绿地负离子生态效应进行了分析,得出如下结论:(1)温度、NOx浓度、SO2浓度、大气悬浮物浓度和海拔对麦积城郊负离子浓度有很大影响,且与温度、NOx浓度、SO_2浓度、大气悬浮物浓度呈负相关,与海拔呈正相关;(2)不同绿地类型和覆盖率下,负离子浓度是不同的,在绿地覆盖率达到68%的天然林区和距离天然林较近的地域负离子浓度最高,平均在2 000个/cm~3以上,最高值达到5 000个/cm~3;(3)负离子具有显著的空间自相关性,对周边的影响矢距是284.49m。麦积城郊负离子净化空气、吸收尘埃的功效非常显著,且与绿地结构、温度、NOx浓度、SO_2浓度、大气悬浮物浓度和海拔有关。 Anion negatives play an important role in absorbing dust, purifying the air and improving the environment and human health. In this study, based on the data of measured negative ions in Meijia suburbs in 2013 in Tianshui City, the ecological effects of negative ions in the greenfields of Meiji suburb were studied using partial correlation analysis, spatial variability analysis, Kriging interpolation, reclassification and buffer zone analysis The conclusions are as follows: (1) Temperature, NOx concentration, SO2 concentration, atmospheric suspended matter concentration and altitude have a great influence on the negative ion concentration in Meiji suburb, and with temperature, NOx concentration, SO2 concentration and atmospheric suspended matter concentration (2) Under different types and coverage of greenbelts, the concentration of negative ions is different. In natural forest areas with green coverage rate of 68% and in areas near natural forests, the negative ion concentration is the highest 2 000 / cm ~ 3, the highest value reached 5 000 / cm ~ 3; (3) The negative ions have significant spatial autocorrelation, and the impact on the periphery is 284.49 m. Meiju suburbs of negative ions to purify the air, dust absorption effect is very significant, and the green space structure, temperature, NOx concentration, SO2 concentration, atmospheric suspended matter concentration and altitude.
将发酵腐熟后的杭白菊(Chrysanthemum morifolium)秸秆有机肥跟不同比例的园土、草炭、蛭石等混合后用于鸭儿芹(Cryptotaenia japonica Hassk.)栽培试验,比较不同基质配方对
“黄金桐”是从白花泡桐[Paulownia fortunei(Seem.)Hemsl.]实生变异中筛选出的一个特异品种。侧枝多、分枝大、干形通直、接干性能好,叶黄绿色,叶柄正面浅红色,背面浅黄绿色
We studied the damage caused to unfelled trees during skidding operations in four beech stands of northern and central Greece that were managed under differing