1994年1月非英语专业硕士研究生英语统考试卷 Part Ⅱ Section B的试题注释

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Section B(0.5 Point each) 26.[译文]随着学习科学的学生人数的减少,我们将失去很多具有知识创造性潜力的人才。 [注释]选A.creativity 选择项B.credential意为“(某人)可以信任的证明”或“文凭”;C.recreation意为“娱乐,消遣”;D.credibility意为“可靠性,可信性”。从原句句意来看,显然B、C、D三个选择项放在句中均不通顺。只有A.cre Section B (0.5 Point each) 26. As the number of students studying science decreases, we will lose many talents with the potential for knowledge creativity. [Note] Select A.creativity option B.credential means “(someone) can trust proof” or “diploma”; C.recreation means “entertainment, pastime”; D.credibility means “reliability, can Confidence.” From the perspective of the original sentence, obviously, the three options B, C, and D are not fluent in the sentence. Only A.cre
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