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2014年全国高考已落下帷幕,云南省采用的是全国新课标文综Ⅱ卷(以下简称2014年新课标Ⅱ卷),新课标Ⅱ卷历史试题难度适中,试题类型与去年一致,在保持平稳的同时,第41题充分体现了命题探索和创新的新方向。一、试题结构特点2014年新课标文综Ⅱ卷历史试题双向细目表题型题号考点难易程度考查历史要素分值选择题24西周都城中空间史实425西晋时期儒家思想的发展中历史趋势426北宋交子中历史实质427明朝君主专制加强难历史趋势428维新变法中历史原因429近代民主思想的潮流难历史趋势430十年对峙时期日本的侵略中背景、目的 4 2014 national college entrance examination has come to an end, Yunnan Province is the adoption of the National New Curriculum Vocabulary Volume II (hereinafter referred to as the 2014 New Curriculum Volume II), the New Curriculum Volume II historical questions difficult, the type of questions consistent with last year, at In the meantime, Question 41 fully reflects the new direction of exploration and innovation of propositions. First, the structure of the test questions 2014 New Curriculum Versus Volume II of the two-way examination questions on the two-way list of questions the title of the test site easy to test the history of the elements of multiple-choice questions 24 Western Zhou Dynasty in the urban space history 425 during the Western Jin Dynasty Confucianism in the development of historical trends 426 The essence of the history of the Northern Song Dynasty juxtaposition 427 The monarchy of the Ming Dynasty to strengthen the difficult historical trend 428 The historical reasons in the new reform method 429 The trend of modern democratic thought is difficult Historical trend 430 The aggression of Japan during the decade confrontation Background and purpose 4
胃肠道间质瘤(gastrointestinal stromal tumor,GIST)是1998年以后确立的新病种。此前,大多数GIST误诊为平滑肌瘤、平滑肌母细胞瘤或平滑肌肉瘤。1983年,Mazu等[1]首次应用胃
第八届国际振动模态分析会议(IMAC)暨仪器展览于1990年1月29日至2月1日在美国Florida 州的Kissimmee 城举行。有22个国家600余名代表参加了会议。大会共收到论文摘要409篇,