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夏热冬冷地区大体上是指长江中下游地区,包括重庆、上海2个直辖市;湖北、湖南、安徽、江西、浙江5省;四川、贵州2省东部;陕西、河南、江苏3省南部;广西、广东、福建3省北部,共涉及15个省、市、自治区。该地区冬季湿冷,夏季闷热,气温日差较小是其主要气候特征。夏季气温高于35℃的酷热天数有15~25天,最热月极端温度可达43℃,在自然通风情况下,最热月平均室内温度比室外气温平均值高1~2℃,静风率高,空气湿度达80%;冬季大部分地区温度低于5℃的天数达60~90天,极端气温可低于-18℃。因此该地区围护结构设计需要同时考虑冬季保温与夏季隔热,对建筑的围护结构节能设计提出了较高的要求。 Hot summer and cold winter area generally refers to the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River region, including Chongqing, Shanghai and two municipalities; Hubei, Hunan, Anhui, Jiangxi, Zhejiang 5; Sichuan, Guizhou 2 eastern; Shaanxi, Henan, Guangxi, Guangdong and Fujian provinces in the three northern provinces, involving a total of 15 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions. The area is wet and cold in winter, hot in summer, with a small temperature difference is the main climatic characteristics. Summer days above 35 ℃ hot days 15 to 25 days, the hottest month extreme temperatures up to 43 ℃, under natural ventilation, the hottest month average indoor temperature higher than the average outdoor temperature 1 ~ 2 ℃, High rate of air humidity of 80%; most parts of winter temperatures below 5 ℃ days up to 60 to 90 days, extreme temperatures can be lower than -18 ℃. Therefore, the design of the retaining structure in this region needs to consider both the winter insulation and the summer insulation, putting forward higher requirements on the energy-saving design of the building envelope.
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