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华主席为首的党中央一举粉碎“四人帮”一年多来,科技战线兴旺发达、捷报频传,形势大好。我省纺织工程学会也生气勃勃地恢复活动。在省一轻局的重视与支持下,今年一月七~八日与全国丝绸科技情报服务站在杭州联合举办学术报告会。参加报告会的有农大、丝工院、诸几蚕校、轻科所及丝、绸印染厂的代表,兄弟地区——无锡、苏州等地的有关院校、科研、工厂代表共近百人。开幕式搞得隆重热烈,充分体现党对发展学术活动的亲切关怀和积极支持。报告会听取了省轻科所张时康同志主讲的《关于国外丝胶结构研究的进展》学术报告,组织了讨论、大会发言受到了到会同志的欢迎。报告会还传达了方毅同志的报告,使到会者深受教育,大受 In the one year since the Central Committee of the Party headed by Chairman Hua has smashed the “gang of four,” the scientific and technological front has been booming and its success has been well received. The situation is magnificent. Textile Engineering Society also resumed its activity energetically. With the attention and support of a light bureau in the province, a joint academic seminar was held in Hangzhou from January 7 to January 8 with the National Silk Technology Information Service Station. A total of nearly 100 representatives from universities, research institutes and factories representing universities of agriculture and silk industry, schools of silkworms, schools of light sciences and silk and silk printing and dyeing, and brother regions - Wuxi, Suzhou and other places attended the symposium. The opening ceremony was solemn and enthusiastic, fully embodying the party's cordial concern and active support for the development of academic activities. The report listened to the academic report entitled “Progress on the Study of Sericin Structure in Foreign Countries”, which was chaired by Comrade Zhang Shikang of the Provincial Light Industry Branch, and organized a discussion. The speeches of the meeting were welcomed by comrades here. The report also conveyed Comrade Fang Yi's report, making the participants well-educated
晴朗温暖的下午,案头溢满阳光。难得的悠闲时光,品上一杯咖啡,或茶。腕表:Audemars Piguet爱彼Jules Audemars系列腕表Glash(u|¨)tte Original格拉苏蒂70年代大日历腕表袖扣
高中部分(补充) (1)用粉笔灰制造熟石膏粉将粉笔灰加水浸泡几天,再把它磨细,滤去水,晒干,放铁锅(铝锅)中焙炒。炒至120℃以上时,生石膏粉即分解放出水蒸气,体积变大并呈现流
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