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因公出国(境)是我国对外开放的重要组成部分,是学习借鉴国外先进技术、管理经验和人类文明成果的重要方式,在促进经济社会发展等方面发挥了重要作用。但是,也有一些党政干部以公务活动为名,行公款出国(境)旅游之实,耗费了国家大量资财,在国内外造成恶劣影响,严重损害了党和政府的形象。为此,2008年4月以来,由中央纪委、外交部牵头,会同中央组织部、中央对外联络部、中央外办、监察部、财政部、审计署、国家预防腐败局、国家外国专家局共10个部门,在全国开展制止公款出国(境)旅游专项工作。2009年2月20日,中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅印发了《关于坚决制止公款出国(境)旅游的通知》(以下简称《通知》)。为深入了解制止公款出国(境)旅游专项工作情况和《通知》中强调的有关问题,本刊记者近日采访了国家预防腐败局办公室、制止公款出国(境)旅游专项工作部际联席会议办公室负责人。 Going abroad because of the country is an important part of our country’s opening up to the outside world. It is an important way to learn from foreign advanced technologies, management experience and achievements of human civilization and play an important role in promoting economic and social development. However, some party and government cadres also made use of public funds to travel abroad (exits) in the name of official activities and spent a large amount of money on the part of the state, causing bad influence both at home and abroad, seriously damaging the party’s and government’s image. To this end, since April 2008, led by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, together with the Central Organization Department, the Central Committee for International Liaison Department, the Central Foreign Office, the Ministry of Supervision, the Ministry of Finance, the Audit Commission, the National Bureau of Corruption Prevention, the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs 10 departments in the country to stop the public funds to go abroad (Habitat) tourism special work. On February 20, 2009, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council promulgated the “Circular on Resolutely Suppressing the Travel of Overseas-funded (Passing) Units of Public Funds” (hereinafter referred to as the “Circular”). In order to gain a better understanding of the special work to stop the travel of public funds for going abroad (Habitat) and the relevant issues highlighted in the Circular, our correspondents recently interviewed the office of the National Bureau of Preventive Corruption, and stopped the office of the inter-ministerial joint meeting for special projects of traveling abroad people.
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H优518是湖南农业大学与衡阳市农科所联合选育的三系杂交晚稻组合,2012—2014年连续3 a在湖南沅江机插示范种植,表现出稳产高产、熟期较早、农艺性状好、米质较优、抗性较强