
来源 :国际行政科学评论(中文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wyp154
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“开放政府”概念通常被用于描述政务信息上网等举措。然而这一定义太过狭隘,因为开放政府不仅包括信息公开(知情),而且具有互动意涵(建言)。基于对103篇文献的分析,本文试图深化对开放性(openness)、透明性(transparency)、参与性(participation)等概念及其相互关系的理解,并总结现有文献探讨这些概念的路径和方法。本文分析了经济学、政治学和法学视角下开放政府的异同,认为有必要整合一条多学科的研究路径。本文结论是:开放政府议题如此重大,完全交由技术专家去研究很不合适;具有法学、经济学、政治学和公共行政学背景的理论研究和实践工作者,应该共同努力,构建知情与建言的合意联系,以促进积极的公民精神。对实践工作者的启示本文为开放政府构建提供实际指导:(1)着眼于透明和参与的协同或互补关系设计开放政府;(2)针对不同人群设计开放政府;(3)兼顾直接或间接效果设计开放政府;(4)设计开放政府时充分考虑需求的多元性;(5)设计开放政府应针对其积极与消极效果构建持续学习机制。作者强调,从长远看,探寻多样化的开放政府构建路径,要比仅仅聚焦于政府信息公开要有意义得多。 The concept of “open government” is often used to describe initiatives such as government information access. However, this definition is too narrow because the open government not only includes information disclosure (information) but also interactivity (suggestion). Based on an analysis of 103 articles, this article attempts to deepen the understanding of the concepts of openness, transparency and participation, and to summarize the existing literature on ways and means to explore these concepts . This article analyzes the similarities and differences of government liberalization from the perspectives of economics, politics and jurisprudence. It considers it necessary to integrate a multidisciplinary approach. The conclusion of this paper is that it is not appropriate for open government topics to be entirely subject to technical experts’ study. Theoreticians and researchers who have a background in law, economics, political science and public administration should work together to build an informed and unspoken The desirable link to promote a positive civic spirit. Enlightenment to Practitioners This paper provides practical guidance for the construction of an open government: (1) Designing an open government based on the synergy or complementarity of transparency and participation; (2) Designing an open government for different groups of people; (3) Considering both direct and indirect effects Designing an open government; (4) Designing an open government to fully consider the diversity of needs; (5) Designing and opening up the government should establish a continuous learning mechanism based on its positive and negative effects. The author emphasizes that in the long run, it is more meaningful to explore a path of building a diverse open government than focusing solely on the disclosure of government information.
一、蒿子坪山崩与泥石流的形成 (一)蒿子坪的自然地理概况 蒿子坪位于长江三峡牛口段的北岸。地质构造上位于秭归向斜的西南面。由侏罗系砂岩与页岩组成。大部山坡的坡度为3
本文介绍了一个能用最小二乘法原理自动地回归一个一元线性方程或一元非线性方程的程序 如果将一组实验数据[(x_i,v_i),i=1,2,…,n]送入计算机内,该程序将自动地从下列给定的
一一一 乙。善复‘三霎‘L。萎叁秦g]zg三奏套 将次声波迄散出来造成了这 场悲剧。一一一 一-上…嚣 L蔓g蒙漾。巳喜蚤箩誊:’人篓鬃鬃秀一 一一 一巳鬃窿巳霎?霎 m?鬃戴沦*
最早大森在研究余震频度衰减时,采用了双曲线公式。 n(t)=A/t+c (1) 式中n(t)是:时刻t时,单位时间内的地震频度。 宇津德治在研究余震时采用公式 The earliest Omori study