Japanese Toraf to Set up Polysulfide Rubber Plant at Cangzhou

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An agreement was signed on December 19th,2007 at Tokyo between Japanese Toray Fine Chemicals Co.,Ltd.(Toray)and CangzhouCoastal-port Chemical Industry Zone(CCCIZ),in Hebei province of northern China.According to.the agreement,Toray Fine Chemicals Co.,Ltd.will purchase some 2.7 An agreement was signed on December 19th, 2007 at Tokyo between Japanese Toray Fine Chemicals Co., Ltd. (Toray) and Cangzhou Coastal-port Chemical Industry Zone (CCCIZ), in Hebei province of northern China. According to the agreement, Toray Fine Chemicals Co., Ltd.will purchase some 2.7
以 2 7Al章动及二维多量子核磁共振方法研究了 5 5 0 ,6 0 0 ,6 5 0 ,70 0℃焙烧丝光沸石中的铝配位状态。实验表明一维核磁共振谱中的 30 ppm宽峰可归属为扭曲四配位铝。对
婴幼儿急性肠套叠临床上绝大多数采用气压或在 B 超监视下进行水压灌肠整复。我院1984~1996年利用泌尿外科 F_(24)号三腔气囊管代替传统的单腔肛管进行高气压充气灌肠对31例
Shandong Jinjing Science and Technology Stock Co.,Ltd.(SH:600586)saw an operating revenue growth of 81.62% and the net profit growth of 237.35% in 2007,driven
Aceremony for signing the contracton the design of nitrobenzene,aniline and nitric acid units was held by Wanhua Polyurethane(Ningbo)Co.,Ltd.subordinate to Yan
研究不同颗粒细度、压力、温度、流量和萃取时间对超临界CO2 萃取月见草油出油率及油品质的影响。 Effects of different particle size, pressure, temperature, flow rate
用相对论赝势的从头算法研究了铀酰离子的几何构型和电子结构.得到了与实验数据较 一致的键长、健角和IR振动频率.铀氧间以 U5f与 O2p相互作用为主,U6d与 O2p间的健合较小; 同时, U6p U7s、 U6d和 Usd杂化轨
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