Aquaporin-3 Deletion Reduces Glycerol and ATP Content in Mouse Sciatic Nerve

来源 :Chemical Research in Chinese Universities | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sheabc000
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We reported the expression and function of aquaglyceroporin AQP3 in mouse peripheral nervous system.AQP3 mRNA was identified in freshly isolated mouse sciatic nerve by RT-PCR.Immunofluorescence using AQP3 antibody localized the protein expression in the myelin sheathe of sciatic nerve fibers.Although primary morpholo-gical evaluation of sciatic nerves from AQP3-knockout and wildtype mice revealed no significant difference,biochemical analysis demonstrated remarkably decreased glycerol and ATP contents in freshly isolated AQP3-knockout sciatic nerve.The study indicates an important role of facilitated glycerol transport mechanism in peripheral nerve energy metabolism. We reported the expression and function of aquaglyceroporin AQP3 in mouse peripheral nervous system. AQP3 mRNA was identified in freshly isolated mouse sciatic nerve by RT-PCR. Immunofluorescence using AQP3 antibody localized the protein expression in the myelin sheathe of sciatic nerve fibers. Although primary morpholo -gical evaluation of sciatic nerves from AQP3-knockout and wildtype mice revealed no significant difference, biochemical analysis demonstrated remarkably decreased glycerol and ATP contents in freshly isolated AQP3-knockout sciatic nerve. The study shows an important role of facilitated glycerol transport mechanism in peripheral nerve energy metabolism.
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