
来源 :工程热物理学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:majian198522
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In this study,we investigate the(D)Σc,(D)Ξ\'1c,(D)Σ*c,(D)*Ξc,(D)*Ξ\'c,(D)*Σ*c,and (D)*Ξ*c pentaquark mo-lecular states with and without strangeness via the QCD sum rules in detail,focusing on the light flavor,S U(3),breaking effects,and make predictio
We perform a systematic study on the effect of non-uniform track efficiency correction in higher-order cumulant analysis in heavy-ion collisions.Through analytical derivation,we find that the true values of cumulants can be successfully reproduced by the
In the framework of the relativistic mean field theory combined with the complex momentum representa-tion method,we elucidate the pseudospin symmetry in the single-neutron resonant states and its dependence on the σ,ω,and ρ meson fields.Compared with the
We thoroughly investigate both transverse momentum and threshold resummation effects on scalar-pseudoscalar pair production via quark-antiquark annihilation at the 13 TeV Large Hadron Collider at QCD NLO+NLL accuracy.A factorization method is introduced t
The flux-weighted average cross sections of natCd(γ,xn)115g,m,111m,109,107,105,104Cd and natCd(γ,x)113g,112,111g,110mAg reactions were measured at the bremsstrahlung end-point energies of 50 and 60 MeV.The activa-tion and off-line γ-ray spectrometric tech
A unified fission model is extended to study two-proton radioactivity of the ground states of nuclei,and a good agreement between the experimental and calculated half-lives is found.The two-proton radioactivity half-lives of the ground states of some prob
In this work,we systematically study the two-proton (2p) radioactivity half-lives using the two-potential approach,and the nuclear potential is obtained using the Skyrme-Hartree-Fock approach and the Skyrme effective interaction of SLy8.For true 2p radioa
Hundreds of thousands of experimental data sets of nuclear reactions have been systematically collected,and their number is still growing rapidly.The data and their correlations compose a complex system,which under-pins nuclear science and technology.We m
A systematic survey of the accurate measurements of heavy-ion fusion cross sections at extreme sub-bar-rier energies is performed using the coupled-channels (CC) theory that is based on the proximity formalism.This work theoretically explores the role of
The Bayesian neural network approach has been employed to improve the nuclear magnetic moment pre-dictions of odd-A nuclei.The Schmidt magnetic moment obtained from the extreme single-particle shell model makes large root-mean-square (rms) deviations from