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中国人民解放军空军“八一”飞行表演队担负着礼仪迎宾和国内重要政治活动的飞行表演任务。自1962年2月15日组建以来,先后接待了78个国家和地区的161个代表团,成功地进行了207次飞行表演,出色地完成了国庆35周年阅兵,“802”、“8610”等重大军事演习,“931”全军新武器装备展示等重大任务,为祖国、为军队赢得了荣誉。组建35年来,无地面事故、无刑事案件;荣立集体二等功两次,三等功数次;在完成大负荷、高难度飞行训练和表演中,连续19年保证了飞行安全,多次受到总部、空军机关的高度赞 PLA Air Force “Bayi ” flight demonstration team is responsible for ceremonial greetings and important domestic political activities of the flight show mission. Since its formation on February 15, 1962, it has received 161 delegations from 78 countries and regions, successfully conducted 207 flight shows, completed the 35th anniversary of the National Day military parade, “802”, “ 8610 ”and other major military exercises,“ 931 ”the army's new weapons and equipment display and other major tasks for the motherland, won the honor for the army. For 35 years since its foundation, there have been no ground-breaking incidents and no criminal cases. The second class has won the second class and the third class has performed several times. The flight safety has been guaranteed for 19 consecutive years in the course of completing heavy-load and difficult flight training and performances. By the headquarters, air force agencies highly praised
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