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肺表面活性剂是纳米颗粒经呼吸途径进入人体的初始生物屏障,纳米颗粒与肺表面活性剂的相互作用直接决定纳米颗粒潜在的诊疗应用和毒性.虽然已有很多研究致力于优化纳米颗粒的理化性质以提高其输运和靶向特性,但是纳米颗粒的形状效应对其与肺表面活性剂相互作用的影响仍鲜有报道.本文运用粗粒度分子动力学的方法研究了纳米颗粒的形状效应对其与一种模型肺表面活性剂——DPPC磷脂单分子层膜的作用的影响.研究结果表明,吸气过程中(磷脂单分子层膜扩张过程),形状效应基本可以忽略;呼气过程中(磷脂单分子层膜压缩过程),不同形状的纳米颗粒表现出不同的跨膜能力对膜的结构扰动亦有所不同,其中棒状纳米颗粒具有最强的跨膜能力,同时对膜的结构扰动也最小.该研究结果对促进纳米颗粒的呼吸诊疗应用具有积极的作用. Pulmonary surfactant is the initial biological barrier for the nanoparticles to enter the respiratory tract and the interaction between nanoparticles and pulmonary surfactant directly determines the potential therapeutic application and toxicity of nanoparticles.Although many studies have been devoted to optimizing the physical and chemical properties of nanoparticles However, the effect of nanoparticle shape effect on the interaction with pulmonary surfactant is still rarely reported.In this paper, the effect of nanoparticle shape-effect is studied by means of coarse-grained molecular dynamics Which is related to the effect of a model pulmonary surfactant - DPPC phospholipid monolayer.The results show that during the inspiratory process (the process of phospholipid monolayer membrane expansion), the shape effect can be neglected basically. During expiration (Phospholipid monolayer film compression process), different shapes of nanoparticles showed different transmembrane capabilities of the membrane structure perturbation is also different, in which rod-shaped nanoparticles have the strongest transmembrane capacity, while the membrane structure disturbance Also the smallest.The results of this study have a positive effect on promoting the application of respiratory diagnosis and treatment of nanoparticles.
前几年,有个美国华侨曾开玩笑地问及美国家庭财富的标志是什么,当场多数人回答存款,少数人回答房子、车子,而他说是家庭草坪的大小。当时多数人对此问题不理解。这次,我到美国之后,感到从某个角度讲,这个评判标准是正确的。  我们从东部到西部,在高速公路上行走了数千里,没有看到大面积的露天泥土,没有看到垃圾,美国城市与城市都连在一起了,找不到界线。高速公路两侧,看不到农村,也看不到农田。所到之处,除建筑之外
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五、性能1.输入电流输入电纹上在V_mmax时的最大输入电流通过相加下列内容即可找到:(1)50μA乘以总扇入数;(2)如果50 KΩ下拉电阻连到片内焊盘上,则加150μA。当输入下拉电
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受到长期争议的欧盟农药登记和管理条例于2009年获得通过。过去几年,虽然新登记条例的制定受到争议,但2009年争议已经减少。2010年的重点将是制订有关的最终 The long-contr