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随着科学技术的发展,计算机作为高新技术应用的工具和手段已发挥出越来越大的作用,其应用前景也将更加广阔.计算机技术掌握的如何,将直接关系到学生踏上工作岗位后的科研水平和工作能力,因此,高校在培养复合型人才过程中,都加大了计算机知识的理论教学和实验教学的力度,并在深度和广度上予以拓展.本文结合我系开展计算机应用实验的实践作一些探讨.1 开设计算机应用实验课的现实意义目前,对计算机专业已在全国范围内开设了“中国计算机软件专业技术资格和水平考试”,成绩合格者将获得相应专业技术资格;非计算机专业学生的计算机知识与操作技能的掌握也越来越引起用人单位的重视.山东省教委、人事厅等部门联合面向社会和高等院校分别开设了“计算机应用能力等级考核”和“山东省高校计算机文化基础考试”,对应试者的计算机水平予以界定,考试成绩也已越来越成为许多单位招聘用人的考核条件和依据.计算机课堂教学可使学生对计算机基础理论有理性的掌握,但是计算机作为应用手段和工具更带有明显的实践性,掌握计算机知识的目的就是要解决实际问题,因此,只有把二者有机地结合起来,设置计算机应用实验课,以提高学生计算机应用能力为主要手段,才能打开计算机应用的局面. With the development of science and technology, computer has been playing a more and more important role as a tool and means of high-tech application, and its application prospect will also be more broad.How to master computer technology will be directly related to the students set foot on the job The level of scientific research and ability to work, therefore, colleges and universities in the process of training compound talents, have increased the theoretical knowledge of computer teaching and experimental teaching, and in depth and breadth to be extended.This paper combined with my department to carry out computer applications Practice of practice for some discussion.1 practical significance of the opening of the computer application of experimental class At present, the computer professional has opened in the country, “China’s computer software professional and technical qualifications and proficiency test”, those who pass the results will receive the appropriate professional and technical qualifications; Computer professional students of computer knowledge and operating skills to grasp more and more aroused the attention of employers.Shandong Province Board of Education, Personnel Office and other departments jointly for the community and institutions of higher learning were set up a “computer application level assessment” and “Shandong Province College computer culture basic examination ”, corresponding to the tester’s computer level To define the test scores has also become more and more units of recruitment criteria and basis for the examination.Computer classroom teaching allows students to have a rational grasp of the basic computer theory, but the computer as an application means and tools more obvious practical , The purpose of mastering computer knowledge is to solve practical problems. Therefore, only by combining the two organically and setting up computer application experiment class to improve students’ computer application ability as the main means can we open the situation of computer application.
功能性鼻窦内窥镜手术 (FESS)已成为目前治疗鼻息肉、慢性副鼻窦炎最有效的手术方法。本文总结我院1995~1999年共行FESS342例 ,对其疗效及影响疗效的因素进行探讨。1临床资料1 1一般资料 :1995年~1999年我院共
美国贝茨舞蹈节(Bates Dance Festival,以下简称BDF)始创于1982年,迄今已有35年历史。2017年恰逢坐阵BDF头把交椅30年的主席劳拉·福尔(Laura Faure)卸任,舞蹈节为她筹备了盛
摘 要:在新一轮基础教育课程改革中,小学语文教学重要任务之一就是走向生活。但是,由于多种因素的制约,生活语文的实施困难重重。如何突破困境?笔者认为,必须树立正确的教学观和正确的教材观,因为语文教学生活化是社会发展的要求,是学科性质的要求。所以语文要走向生活,必须在优化教学内容、开放教学方式、多元教学评价等方面下功夫。  关键词:语文;教学;生活化  回归生活,加强课堂教学与生活的联系,是新一轮基础
计算机的基本理论基础是控制论、信息论、系统论。 控制论首先在机器与生物的目的性行为之间建立了类比联系,也就是功能模拟法。维纳的控制论运用“黑箱”理论,从功能上描述
目的 通过检测食蟹猴皮下注射重组人干扰素α-2b后血清总抗体及中和抗体,研究其免疫原性.方法 16只健康食蟹猴,雌雄各半,雌性未孕,年龄3~4岁,给药开始时体重范围为:2.1 ~3.5 kg,按性别、体重随机分为4组,分别为对照组(0 μg·kg-1),5,15和50 μg· kg-1组,每组动物雌雄各半,每天1次颈背部皮下注射给药,共给药67天,恢复期14d,于给药前,给药后第7天、14天、21
去年国庆节期间,我 去了向往已久的首都北京,和爸爸妈妈游览(ln)了中央电视塔。 Last year’s National Day, I went to the long-awaited capital Beijing, and mom and d