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关于设立搬运公司废除各地搬运事业中封建、把持制度及暂行处理办法,早经中央人民政府政务院第二十五、二十六次政务会议作出决定,并已明令在案。我省少数城市在搬运工会及人民政府领导支持下,对政务院决定贯澈实施,已收到初步成果,搬运公司亦有初步建设正在开展,唯各级政府对政务院决议的贯澈及领导支持搬运工作开展。有的仍未引起足够重视,封建把持制度及其残余,在障碍着人民搬运事业建设,诸如人力调配,运价规定,货运承揽政策实施等问题,还未得到妥善解决,部份国营(公营)及私营企业,由于宣传学习不足,也未能认真执行政务院决议,封建把头,则乘机镇营,包乘货运,继续剥削工人,致使工人生活仍处困难境地,此种情况,对发展人民的搬运事业,沟通城乡物资交流,保证货运资金、迅速,运货统一便宜,照顾工人生活等方面,受到不少阻力,本府为切实贯澈政务院的决议,特作如下指示:一、在有五百以上搬运工人的城镇、港、站,应选派得力干部协同搬运工会整顿巩固工人组织,加强工人教育,依靠搬运工会的支持与拥护,建立统一的搬运公司,并委派公司经理、副经理掌握筹备工作之进行,由政府公布搬运公司为全市(镇、港、站)统一承揽货运的国营企业机 With regard to the establishment of a handling company to abolish the feudal and control system and handling measures temporarily in various porters’ undertakings, the decision of the 25th and 26th sessions of the Administrative Council of the Central People’s Government and the government affairs meeting has been made and has been made clear. With the support of the transport trade unions and the people’s government, a few cities in our province have decided on the implementation of the Governing Council and have already achieved preliminary results. Initial construction of the handling companies is also underway. Only governments at all levels have demonstrated their support for the resolutions of the State Council Work carried out. Some have not yet given enough attention to the fact that the feudal system of gratification and its remnants have not yet properly solved such issues as the deployment of manpower, the regulation of freight rates and the implementation of freight contract policies. Some state-owned (public) As well as private enterprises, due to lack of propaganda and learning, they have failed to earnestly implement the resolution of the State Council and feudal leaders have taken the opportunity to run the business by embarking on their own to cover the cargoes and continue to exploit workers. As a result, the living conditions of workers are still in a dilemma. Business, communication and exchange of urban and rural areas to ensure that freight funds, rapid freight uniform delivery, take care of workers life, etc., subject to a lot of resistance, the government in order to effectively implement the resolution of Che-chu Council, made the following special instructions: First, The towns, ports and stations of the above porters should be selected to carry out cadres ’coordination and removal of trade unions to consolidate the workers’ organizations, strengthen workers ’education, rely on the support and advocacy of the porters’ unions, establish a unified handling company and appoint company managers and deputy managers to master preparatory work The government announced that the handling company is the state-owned enterprise (the town, port, and port) for the unified contracting of freight
Anti-Miillerian hormone(AMH)belongs to the transforming growth factor β superfamily.It is a dimeric glycoprotein consisting of two identical 70-kDa subunits li
福建省人民政府通令 (府民行字第○二一一二四号)令各市县人民政府各区专员公署查本省永安专区管辖之德化县,过去隶属晋江专区管辖甚久,所有地理、交通、风俗、以及人民语言