MicroRNAs as diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers in colorectal cancer

来源 :World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ebeggar
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MicroRNAs(miRNAs) are key regulators involved in various tumors. They regulate cell cycle, apoptosis and cancer stemness, metastasis and chemoresistance by controlling their target gene expressions. Here, we mainly discuss the potential uses of miR NAs in colorectal cancer(CRC) diagnosis. We also shed light on the important corresponding miR NA targets and on the major regulators of miR NAs. Furthermore, we discuss miR NA activity in assessing the prognosis and recurrence of CRC as well as in modulating responsiveness to chemotherapy. Based on the various pro-oncogenic/anti-oncogenic roles of miR NAs, the advantages of a therapeutic strategy based on the delivery of miR NA mimics are also mentioned. Together, mi RNA seems to be an excellent tool for effectively monitoring and targeting CRC. They regulate cell cycle, apoptosis and cancer stemness, metastasis and chemoresistance by controlling their target gene expressions. Here, we mainly discuss the potential uses of miR NAs in colorectal cancer (CRC) diagnosis. . We also shed light on the major regulatory miRs targets and on the major regulators of miR NAs. We discuss miR NA activity in assessing the prognosis and recurrence of CRC as well as modulating responsiveness to chemotherapy. Based on the various pro -oncogenic / anti-oncogenic roles of miR NAs, the advantages of a therapeutic strategy based on the delivery of miR NA mimics are also mentioned. Together, mi RNA seems to be an excellent tool for effective monitoring and targeting CRC.
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