
来源 :微电子学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Richard0936
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本文首先对国内半导体分立器件和半导体集成电路的质量水平做了估价,接着进行了国内半导体器件市场分析,讨论了器件销售所面临的困难和造成困难的原因,探讨了器件生产厂家的出路和发展方向,并对国产器件所存在的问题做了评述。文中还对半导体器件引进生产线情况做了介绍。本文在概述了分立器件的发展方向之后,重点阐述国内半导体集成电路的发展动态(我国IC工业发展现状、国内生产IC的主要品种、“七五”期间IC工业的发展及ASIC),并对国外IC发展动态做了扼要说明。 This article firstly evaluates the quality level of the domestic semiconductor discrete devices and the semiconductor integrated circuits, then analyzes the domestic semiconductor market, discusses the difficulties in the device sales and the reasons for the difficulties, and explores the way out and development of the device manufacturers Direction, and made a comment on the problems existing in domestic devices. The article also introduce the production line of semiconductor devices introduced. After summarizing the development direction of discrete devices, this paper mainly elaborates the development of domestic semiconductor integrated circuits (the status quo of IC industry in our country, the main varieties of IC in China, the development of IC industry during the “Seventh Five-year Plan” and the ASIC) IC development made a concise description of the development.
Purpose: To investigate the autofluorescence characteristics in patients with central serous chorioretinopathy. Design: Observational case series. Participants:
OBJECTIVE To examine whether long-form phosphodiesterase-4 (PDE4) knockdown by lentiviral RNA construct containing a specific microRNA/miRNAmir hairpin structure reversed depression-like symptoms caus
杨继盛,号椒山,为明代著名的谏臣。明正德十一年(公元1516年)生于河北容城(今河北徐水容城镇),嘉靖二十六年(公元1547年)中进士,官至兵部武选司员外郎。嘉靖三十四年(公元1555年)因弹劾奸相严嵩被下狱杀害。    少年不幸苦习绝学    杨继盛诞生在冀中保定府一个普通的贫苦农家。5岁时,父亲纳妾,妾不容母亲。母亲被迫与父亲分开。之后,嫂嫂受父妾搬弄,经常无事生非找茬寻衅,母亲无奈之下只好带
美术教育作为素质教育的重要组成部分,具有其他学科无法替代的重要作用。在此对初中美术有效教学进行了探讨。 Art education, as an important part of quality education,