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近期,我刊收到许多读者来信、来电,希望我们能够介绍一些投资小、市场好、见效快、技术易的投资项目。为此,本刊记者电话采访了山西省稷山燎原新技术开发研究所所长杨杰同志,请他就比较适合下岗职工个人投资的塑封固体酒精项目作了简要介绍。一、塑封固体酒精有哪些特点?市场前景如何?答:塑封固体酒精是一种无毒无味、安全卫生、携带使用方便的新型环保绿色燃料,该产品火力大热值高,燃烧时间长、运输方便,燃烧时不黑锅底,无需专用炉具,随时随地都可使用,停用后不挥发不浪费,保存期一年以上。塑封固体酒精成本低,使用时用火柴点燃即可烧烤煮炒食品,产品投放市场后深受欢迎。该产品广泛应用于大酒店、宾馆、饭店、烧烤店、家庭制作涮肉、烤肉串、煮方便面及野外生活等方面,也是科研、航海、勘探、军事训练、建筑工地、登山、学校化学试验及野餐等理想热 Recently, I have received many letters and calls from readers. I hope we can introduce some investment projects with small investment, good market, quick results and easy technology. To this end, the correspondent telephone interview with Shanxi Jishan Liaoyuan new technology research institute director Comrade Yang Jie, asked him more suitable for laid-off workers to invest in plastic solid alcohol project made a brief introduction. First, plastic solid alcohol What are the characteristics? Market prospects? A: Plastic solid alcohol is a non-toxic, tasteless, safe, easy to carry and use of new environmentally friendly green fuel, the product of high calorific power, long burning time, transportation Convenient, non-black pot at the end of combustion, no special stoves, can be used anytime, anywhere, non-volatile non-disabled do not waste, the shelf life of more than one year. Plastic solid alcohol cost is low, when used with a matchstick lit barbecue fried food, the product is popular on the market. The product is widely used in hotels, restaurants, restaurants, barbecue shop, home making shabu-shabu, kebab, cooking instant noodles and outdoor life, but also scientific research, navigation, exploration, military training, construction sites, mountaineering, school chemistry test and Ideal for picnics
自 8 0年代初以来 ,围绕搞活国有商业企业出台了很多改革措施 ,如承包制、租赁制、资产经营责任制、股份制、股份合作制等等 ,由于行业的特点和其在国民经济中所处的风口浪尖
Language is a mirror that reflects the identity of a people. Foreign loanwords flow in and out of neighboring nations in an increasingly global culture. In that