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1994年春,已担任昆明市盲哑学校副校长的杨美英坐在北去的列车上,她打开了一封沉甸甸的盲文信。信中写道:“杨老师,时间悄无声息地流走了,转眼十年的苦读就要结束了。我们即将踏入社会,为生活而奔波,为饭碗而劳苦。我们这些盲学生毕业后是到街头摆摊当“马路天使”,还是回去等待?这是一个现实的问题,我们该怎么办啊怎么办?”读完这封信后,杨美英的眼睛湿润了,她默默地望着窗外,思绪万千…… In the spring of 1994, Yang Meiying, who has served as vice chancellor of Kunming blind blind school, sat on a train to the north and she opened a heavy letter in Braille. Wrote in the letter: “Teacher Yang, the time has quietly flowed away, and the 10-year-long study is coming to an end. We are about to step into the community, go about our lives and work hard for our jobs. After the street stalls as ”road angels,“ or go back and wait? This is a real problem, what should we do ah? ”After reading this letter, Yang Meiying’s eyes moist, and she silently hope Out of the window, my thoughts ...
工作以后的每一天都过得飞快,间或出现的艺人成为我工作日记的标点。很多时候,蓦然回首过去的一年,已经很习惯把当时正在做哪个艺人的专辑当成记忆线索了。 Every day after
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