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洪钧是晚清外交家,著名学者。在晚清中外交涉、西北史地学和蒙元史研究中,均有所建树,占有一定地位。学界以往对洪钧的研究,相对集中在《元史译文证补》的学术史意义上,对洪钧本人的经历和主要史迹探研不多,所知较浅,有关的史传资料也存在某些误失。本文努力扩大史料来源,以其使欧事迹与著述活动为主线,进一步探讨洪钧的主要史事,试图深化对这位历史人物的认识和评价。 Hong Jun is a diplomat and famous scholar in the late Qing Dynasty. In the late Qing Dynasty, China and foreign negotiations, historiography of Northwest China and the study of Mongolian Yuan Dynasty, have achieved something, occupy a certain position. The academic research on Hong Jun in the past focused on the academic history meaning of “Yuan Shi’s translation and proof-up”, and there is not much research on Hong Jun’s own history and major historical sites. Lost This article tries hard to expand the source of the historical data. With its main task of making European and monumental activities, this article further explores the main historical facts of Hong Jun and tries to deepen the cognition and evaluation of this historical figure.
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我喜欢麻雀。说实话,在这样的时节里,冬天刚刚远航,春天也没到岸,没有皑皑白雪,也没有万花百鸟,光秃秃的院子里只有麻雀在嘹亮。麻雀长得很丑,女人们得了雀 I like sparrows