充分发挥工会优势 努力促进下岗再就业工作

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随着改革力度的加大,经济结构的调整和完善,公有制实现形式的多样化和非公有制经济的迅速发展,社会经济成份、组织形式、物质利益、就业方式日益多样化,劳动关系矛盾变得更加复杂,尤其是促进再就业成为一个带有全局性影响的重大经济和社会问题。在这种情况下,如何充分发挥好工会工作的优势,当好党联系职工群众的桥梁和纽带,是我们面临的重要课题。一、塑造良好形象,增强工会的亲和力。我国工会是党联系职工群众的桥梁和纽带,肩负着维护职工群众的经济、政治和文化等方面合法权益的基本职责。这些本质特性决定了工会要比其他群众组织更加注重自身建设,塑造良好的形象。一要塑造忠实实践“三个代表”重要思想的形象。以“三个代表”重要思想统揽工会工作,要求我们必须坚定不移地做发展先进生产力的推动者,坚持不懈地做先进文化的传播者,坚定有力地做维护职工合法权益的实践者。二要塑造工会积极推进生产力发展的形象。工会组织必须坚定不移地坚持以经济建设为中心,善于把党的政策和决定创造性地贯彻到广大职工群众和工会干部中去。在推进改革、促进发展、维护稳 With the intensification of reform, the adjustment and improvement of economic structure, the diversification of public ownership realization forms and the rapid development of non-public ownership economy, the social and economic components, organizational forms, material interests and employment patterns are increasingly diversified, the contradictions in labor relations become More complicated, especially the promotion of re-employment, have become a major economic and social issue with a global impact. Under such circumstances, how to give full play to the advantages of trade union work and the bridge and link between the good party and the workers and the masses is an important issue we are facing. First, create a good image and enhance the affinity of trade unions. The trade unions in our country are the bridges and ties between the party and the workers and the masses and shoulder the basic duties of safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the masses of workers and staff in their economic, political and cultural fields. These essential characteristics determine that trade unions pay more attention to self-construction and create a better image than other mass organizations. First, we should shape the image of loyally practicing the important thinking of the ’Three Represents.’ Taking the important thinking of the ’Three Represents’ as a guideline for the work of trade unions requires us to unswervingly promote the development of advanced productive forces, unswervingly carry forward the propaganda of advanced cultures and firmly and firmly practice in safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of employees By. Second, we must shape the image of trade unions that actively promote the development of productive forces. Trade union organizations must unswervingly adhere to the economic construction as the central task and be good at creatively implementing the party’s policies and decisions in the broad masses of workers and staff and trade union cadres. We will promote reform, promote development and maintain stability
In this paper, the conflict between individual needs of market and the efficient mass production requirement of manufacture under the background of market globa