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弗朗西斯科·托莱多被公认为是墨西哥在世的最杰出艺术家,他用27本名为“大便之簿”的画册向政府支付了欠下的个人所得税。托莱多此举是利用了一个允许艺术家以作品抵偿所得税的政府计划。这27本画册包括数百张素描、水彩画和版画,将在墨西哥南部托莱多家乡奥克萨加的当代艺术博物馆展出。负责这一计划的财政部文化遗产局局长胡安娜·伊尼斯·阿布里尤高 Francisco Toledo, recognized as the most prominent Mexican artist alive, paid the government the personal income tax owed to 27 books entitled “The Book of Stools.” The Toledo move takes advantage of a government program that allows artists to work off their income tax. The 27 albums, which include hundreds of sketches, watercolors and prints, will be on display at the Contemporary Art Museum in Oaxaga, home of Toledo, in southern Mexico. Juana Inis Aburi, director of the Heritage Office of the Ministry of Finance responsible for the project,
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