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这次合作会议在李一清主任与武光清副主任主持下开了十余天,一般问题大体解决了,解决得也很好,现在我想着重讲三个问题:一、是关于合作社发展问题。我认为要采取积极的大量的迅速的发展方针,而不应采取消极的、缩手缩脚的、缓慢发展的方针。固然我们中南区的合作社是从无到有,从小到大的,现在全区已发展了三千三百多个社,二百九十几万社员,这是有成绩的。但如拿这个成绩与群众运动相比较,则我们的工作还大大落后于实际的需要?大家知道,我们中南区到四月底为止,已有六千五百万人口地区完成了土地改革,三千万人口地区进行过减租退押,这就是说将近有一万万农民已经发动起来。特别在土地改革区,农村面貌已经起了基本变化,在那里地主阶级已经打倒,农民已从封建制度束缚下解放出来,因而农民生产力与购买力已经显著提高了。生产力提高,就增加了推销土产山货的需要,购买力提高,就增加了购买日常 Under the auspices of Director Li Yiqing and Deputy Director Wu Guangqing, this cooperation conference was opened for more than 10 days. The general problems were generally solved and the solution was very good. Now I would like to stress three issues: First, it is about the development of cooperatives. I think that we should adopt a positive and a large number of rapid development policies instead of adopting a passive, contradictory and slow development approach. Although our cooperatives in Central South are from scratch, from small to large, there are now over 3,300 social organizations and 2.9 million community members in the region. This is a result. However, comparing with the mass movement, our work lags far behind our actual needs. We all know that in Central and Southern District, as of the end of April, the land reform has been completed in 65 million population areas. Three thousand Ten thousand population areas have been reduced rent and retired, which means that nearly one hundred million farmers have been mobilized. Especially in the land reform zone, the rural landscape has undergone a fundamental change, in which the landlord class has been overthrown and the peasants have been liberated from the feudal system. As a result, the productivity and purchasing power of peasants have been remarkably improved. Productivity increases, increasing the need to sell indigenous products, increasing purchasing power, increasing the purchase of daily
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