Selective oxidation of ethane to aldehydes over SBA-15 supported molybdenum catalyst

来源 :Journal of Energy Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lrdw149
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SBA-15 supported Mo catalysts(Moy/SBA-15) were prepared by an ultrasonic assisted incipient-wetness impregnation method. The physical and chemical properties of the catalysts were characterized by means of N2-adsorption-desorption, XRD, TEM, UV-Vis, Raman, XANES and H2-TPR. The results showed that a trace amount of MoO3 was produced on high Mo content samples. Turn-over frequency(TOF) and product selectivity are dependent on the molybdenum content. Both Mo0.75/SBA-15 and Mo1.75/SBA-15 catalysts give the higher catalytic activity and the selectivity to the total aldehydes for the selective oxidation of C2H6. At the reaction temperature of 625℃, the maximum yield of aldehydes reached 4.2% over Mo0.75/SBA-15 catalyst. The improvement of the activity and selectivity was related with the state of MoOx species. The physical and chemical properties of the catalysts were characterized by means of N2-adsorption-desorption, XRD, TEM, UV- Vis, Raman, XANES and H2-TPR. The results showed that a trace amount of MoO3 was produced on high Mo content samples. Turn-over frequency (TOF) and product selectivity are dependent on the molybdenum content. Both Mo.75 / SBA -15 and Mo1.75 / SBA-15 catalysts give higher catalytic activity and the selectivity to the total aldehydes for the selective oxidation of C2H6. At the reaction temperature of 625 ° C, the maximum yield of aldehydes reached reached 4.2% over Mo 0.75 / SBA-15 catalyst. The improvement of the activity and selectivity was related with the state of MoOx species.
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