33部法规4月1日开始实施 保护权益 鼓励创新

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4月1日,有33部规章、司法解释开始实施了。其中,国家级15部,地方级18部,涉及诉讼当事人权益保护、住房、文通、出入境食品的安全以及相关资质认定、行政相对人权益保护等诸多方面。本文对重要的国家级法规进行解读。随着最高人民法院《内地与澳门特别行政区关于相互认可和执行民商事判决的安排》4月1日的生效,诉讼当事人经一地法院判决确定的权利将在另一地得到实现。《安排》主要适用于内地与澳门特别行政区民商事案件,包括内地的劳动争议案件,澳门的劳动民事案件的判决,以及刑事案件中有关民事损害赔偿的判决、裁定相互认可和执行。《安排》主要规定了受理认可和执行申请的管辖法院、在两地同时申请执行及其协调问题;请求认可和执行的申请书的内容、所附相关证明文件;认可判决的程序、拒绝认可的情形、当事人的救济途径;受理 On April 1, 33 regulations and judicial interpretations were implemented. Among them, 15 are at the national level and 18 at the local level, covering the protection of the rights and interests of litigants, the security of housing, Wentong, entry and exit food, and the identification of related qualifications, protection of administrative counterparts, and many other aspects. This article interprets important national regulations. With the Supreme People’s Court’s “Arrangement between the Mainland and Macao Special Administrative Region on Mutual Recognition and Enforcement of Civil and Commercial Judgments” which came into effect on April 1, the rights determined by the litigants through the judgment of one-place court will be realized in another place. The “CEPA” is mainly applicable to civil and commercial cases in the Mainland and the Macao Special Administrative Region, including labor dispute cases in the Mainland, judgments in Macao’s labor civil cases, and judgments and rulings on civil damages in criminal cases that are mutually recognized and enforced. The “CEPA” mainly stipulates the jurisdictional courts that accept applications for accreditation and enforcement, apply for enforcement and coordination at the same time in the two places, the contents of the applications for approval and execution, and the attached supporting documents; the procedures for accreditation and rejection Situations, Remedies for the parties; Acceptance
中秋节到了,我买了礼物去看爷爷。胡雨晗(6岁)辅导教师:许萍浙江省舟山市92910部队机关海娃幼儿园小作者用天真、淳朴的笔触真实地显现了孩子去探望老人的场景。 Mid-Autumn