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根据中发[2001]3号及其配套文件的有关规定,本期就自主择业军队转业干部安置管理的具体问题进行解读。自主择业的条件军龄满20年的师、团、营级职务(含相应职级文职干部和享受相当待遇的专业技术干部)军队干部,本人提出申请,经组织审核批准,可以选择自主择业。自主择业的军队转业干部由政府协助就业、发给退役金。安置地点选择自主择业军队转业干部安置地点一般有以下几种选择:1.由其原籍或者入伍时所在省(自治区、直辖市)安置。2.可以到配偶随军前或者结婚时常住户口所在地安置。3.夫妻同为军队干部且同时转业的,可以到任何一方的原籍或入伍地安置,也可到符合配偶随军条件的一方所在地安置;一方转业,留队一方符合配偶随军条件的,转业一方可以到留队一 According to the relevant provisions of No. [2001] No. 3 [2001] and its supporting documents, this issue is to be read on the specific issues concerning the resettlement management of the demobilized cadres who choose their own careers. Conditions for Self-employment The army officers who have served in the division, regiment and battalion level for more than 20 years and have the right to job-seeking (including professional and technical cadres at the corresponding ranks and professional workers enjoying equal treatment), apply for approval by themselves and may choose to make their own choices. The demobilized cadres who independently choose their own jobs are assisted by the government and given retirement benefits. Place of resettlement Choose the resettlement sites of the demobilized cadres of independent careers generally have the following options: 1. Resettlement by the province (autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government) where they originated or was enlisted. 2 can go to the spouses before marriage or permanent residence at marriage when the resettlement. 3. If the husband and wife are both military cadres and they are re-employed at the same time, they may either be resettled on their origin or enrolled in any one party or may be located in the same place where one of the spouses meets the conditions of the army. If one party is transferred to work and one party meets the requirements of his spouse’s army, To stay in the team one
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1  As the carriers of Chinese traditional culture, the four treasures of the study (writing brush, ink stick, ink slab and paper) are gradually being lost. The four treasures are less practiced in art
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