深刻领会“三个代表”的重要思想 努力探索新形势下思想政治工作的新路子

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贯彻“三个代表”的重要思想,加强企业思想政治工作,必须坚持以马列主义、毛泽东思想为指导,不断改进工作方法和思想方法。 近几年来,由于电力逐步走向市场,经营方式的改变,电力供应买方市场的形成,对于过去不愁嫁的皇帝女儿,已出现需不断推销自己的危机。因此,尽快的解决思想转变观念,适应形势,增强自我生存能力,已成为企业改革和发展的重要课题。思想政治工作要改变以往与实际结合不紧密的思维方式和工作方法,必须紧紧围绕企业的中心,从生存和发展的角度,站在历史 To implement the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ and to strengthen ideological and political work in enterprises, we must uphold the guidance of Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought and continuously improve our methods of work and thinking. In recent years, with the gradual introduction of electricity into the market, changes in management practices, and the formation of a market for electricity supply buyers, there has been a constant need to promote its own crisis to the emperors’ daughters who used to worry about marrying. Therefore, resolving ideology as soon as possible to change concepts, adapt to the situation and enhance self-survival has become an important issue for enterprise reform and development. Ideological and political work must change the way of thinking and working methods that are not closely integrated with the past. They must closely center on the enterprise and stand in history from the perspective of survival and development
我院自1990年1月至1992年4月,用日本欧林巴斯CF—MB_2W型成人纤维结肠镜,应用于儿科下消化道检查与治疗,现报告如下。资料与方法一、临床资料 25例中男性11例,女性14例,年龄
贵刊1989年第9期刊登“吡哌酸治疗溃疡病48例临床观察”一文后,笔者二年来用此法治疗溃疡病50例。均收到满意疗效,现将结果分析如下: Publication No. 9, 1989, published
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本文综述了网络与通信网络技术的发展动态。并就我国网络技术的发展发表了自己的观点。 This article reviews the development of network and communication network tech