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The relations between scattering angle (SA) and the degree of polarization (DOP) of skylights are studied. Measurements under different sky conditions demonstrate that all relation curves between SA and DOP can be described as parabolas. DOP reaches its peak when SA is 90° and the sizes of scattering particles are much smaller than the wavelengths of skylight. The peak value of DOP moves by a small drift when the size of the particle increases. We propose and analyze a polarization dependence model for SA and DOP. Results from simulation are in good agreement with experimental results.
In total light scattering particle sizing technique, the relationship among Sauter mean diameter D32, mean extinction efficiency Q, and particle size distribution function is studied in order to inverse the mean diameter and particle size distribution sim
Interferometers are essential elements in classical and quantum optical systems. The strictly required stability when extracting the phase of photons is vulnerable to polarization variation and phase shift induced by environment disturbance. Here, we impl
基于建立的单结GaAs太阳能电池激光辐照热传导模型和光电转换物理模型,对单结GaAs太阳能电池的脉冲激光辐照温度及光电转化影响进行了仿真模拟研究,分别研究了532 nm和808 nm两种不同波长的脉冲激光在不同辐照能量及入射角度下,太阳能电池温度、伏安特性、光电转换效率等性能变化,仿真结果表明,入射激光与太阳能电池法向之间夹角越小,太阳能电池输出电功率越大,在相同的激光辐照强度下,532 nm和808 nm波长激光对GaAs电池辐照导致的温度影响差别不大,808 nm波长激光比532 nm波长激光对于Ga
Purpose: To evaluate the effectiveness of topical 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA)-mediated photodynamic therapy (PDT) for the treatment of cutaneous lichen planus (LP). Methods: A total of 17 symptomatic LP lesions in 7 Chinese patients were assessed. ALA cre
基于全球植被的荧光分布,利用GOSAT数据,同步反演了光子光程概率分布密度函数因子和755 nm处的荧光强度,将反演结果与TCCON站点的结果进行了对比。结果表明:对于受植物叶绿素荧光影响较大的Park Falls(45.9°N,90.3°W)站点附近的GOSAT数据,考虑荧光影响前后的二氧化碳(CO2)反演结果的最大偏差为1.6×10 -6;对于受荧光影响稍小的Sodankyla(67.4°N,26.6°E)站点附近的GOSAT数据,最大偏
Increasing interest has been drawn to optical manipulation of metal (plasmonic) nanoparticles due to their unique response on electromagnetic radiation, prompting numerous applications in nanofabrication, photonics, sensing, etc. The familiar point-like l