Cloning the Dmrt1 and DmrtA2 genes of ayu(Plecoglossus altivelis) and mapping their expression in ad

来源 :Zoological Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sqe622
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The Dmrt family of genes are involved in sex differentiation in different species of invertebrates,and some vertebrates including human.In this study,we cloned the full-length cDNA of ayu(Plecoglossus altivelis)Dmrt1 and DmrtA2.Sequence and phylogenetic tree analyses showed ayu Dmrt1 showed highest similarity to that of Oncorhynchus mykiss while ayu DmrtA2 is most similar to that of Oryzias latipes.Fluorescence-based quantitative reverse transcription PCR(qRT-PCR)revealed the Dmrt1 was predominantly expressed in the testis.At the larval stages,Dmrt1 mRNA expression level was highest during 52–64 days post hatching(dph)and at the gastrula stage during embryonic development.DmrtA2,meanwhile,was specifically expressed in the ovary and was highly expressed in the female brain tissue,but not male brain tissue.During the larval stages,DmrtA2 expression remained high before day 34,and then fluctuated while generally decreasing.During embryonic development,DmrtA2 expression increased gradually and peaked at the hatching stage.Our data suggest that ayu Dmrt1 might participate in the differentiation and maintenance of testis while DmrtA2 may play a role in ovary-differentiation and mature-ovary maintenance.DmrtA2 might also participate in brain development. The Dmrt family of genes are involved in sex differentiation in different species of invertebrates, and some vertebrates for human. This study, we cloned the full-length cDNA of ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis) Dmrt1 and DmrtA2.Sequence and phylogenetic tree analyzes showed ayu Dmrt1 showed highest similarity to that of Oncorhynchus mykiss while ayu DmrtA2 was the most similar to that of Oryzias latipes.Fluorescence-based quantitative reverse transcription PCR (qRT-PCR) revealed the Dmrt1 was predominantly expressed in the testis. At the larval stages, Dmrt1 mRNA expression level was highest during 52-64 days post hatching (dph) and at the gastrula stage during embryonic development. DmrtA2, meanwhile, was specifically expressed in the ovary and was highly expressed in the female brain tissue, but not male brain tissue. the larval stages, DmrtA2 expression remained high before day 34, and then fluctuated while generally decreasing. During embryonic development, DmrtA2 expression increased gradual ly and peaked at the hatching stage. Our data suggest that ayu Dmrt1 might participate in the differentiation and maintenance of testis while DmrtA2 may play a role in ovary-differentiation and mature-ovary maintenance. DmrtA2 might participate in brain development.
1.智能电表的行业发展历程及现状  1.1行业发展历程  电能表分为感应式机械电表、电子式电表和智能电表。智能电表是在电子式电表的基础上发展而来。20世纪70年代,研究人员成功研制出利用模拟或数字电路实现电能计量功能的电子式电表,克服了传统的感应式机械电表人工抄表效率低、数据偏差大、防窃电功能差等弊病。在此基础上,通过不断扩展数字技术的应用,使电子式电表具备了分时计费、预付费等功能①。  上世纪9
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