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抗日前后(中)售屋 上海沦陷后,极司非而路宅内仅住五人:父亲、我和昌琳、珑儿及侄女祥保。还雇用着二男三女佣工,以保持这座大宅内的日常生活秩序。由于家境日趋拮据,家用开支一减再减,仍入不敷出。售屋就成为唯一的出路。 父亲辛劳半世,凭多年省吃俭用,盖了这所住宅。在这里,父亲编纂了两部巨著:《四部丛刊》一、二、三编和《百衲本二十四史》;在这里,父亲会见了不少名人、挚友,与商务同仁商议公司大政方针。一旦分离,怎不依依。 抗战之后,江浙两省的老百姓涌入上海租界避难。我家附近人口骤增。那一带房屋没有下水道,每逢雨季,我家花园竟成泽国。水质又黑又臭,极不卫生。“七·七”全面抗战爆发后,租界势力达不到越界筑路,极司非而路、愚园路一带成为敌伪军警盘踞之地。我家西面的76号成了臭名昭著的汉奸特务吴四宝的魔窟。在敌伪恶势力的怂恿下,我家后面康家桥一带赌窟、烟馆(当时称燕子窝)、押头店(即小型典当铺)、妓院(野鸡堂子)纷纷兴起。这种环境使人无法居留,更增加了父亲迁地决心。 Before and after the anti-Japanese (middle) sale of housing in Shanghai after the fall, the only non-polar Division Road home only five people: father, me and Chang Lin, Long child and niece Xiangbao. Also hired two men and three women in order to maintain the daily life of this mansion order. As the family becomes more and more strained, one-on-one reduction in household expenditure will still make ends meet. The sale of homes has become the only way out. Father hardworking, with many years of frugal, cover the house. Here, my father compiled two masterpieces: the first, second and third series of “Four Series,” and the “One Hundred Twenty-four History”; here, my father met with many celebrities, best friends and business colleagues to discuss the company’s major policies . Once separated, how not to depend on. After the war, ordinary people in Jiangsu and Zhejiang invaded the concession in Shanghai. The population near my home is soaring. There is no sewer in that area, and during the rainy season, my home garden became a Zeguo country. The water is dark and smelly, very unhygienic. After the “Sept. 7” comprehensive outbreak of war of resistance broke out, the forces in the concession failed to cross the border to build roads. No. 76 west of my home became the infamy of the infamous traitor sprite Wu Si Bao. At the instigation of hostile and hostile forces, the gambling houses, smoking pavilions (then called Swallow’s Nest), Yaotou Branch (small pawnshop) and brothels (pheasant) were all set up in the back of my house. This environment makes people unable to stay, but also increased his father’s immigration determination.
This paper reports that stoichiometric, amorphous, and uniform Er2O3 films are deposited on Si(001) substrates by a radio frequency magnetron sputtering techniq
中国武术包括军阵武术与民间武术两大内容。军阵武术与民间武术,有着大致明确的分野。而今天面貌的中国武术,主体部分乃是民间武术。  军阵武术和民间武术的功能有很大的不同。军阵武术用于军事与战争即高烈度形式的暴力形式,民间武术用于械斗等低烈度形式的暴力形式。简单说就是:前者用于打仗,后者用于打架。军阵武术与民间武术的特点迥异,军阵武术简单、实用、粗糙,民间武术复杂、花哨、精致。前者集体化特征明显,个人要
Based on the finite difference time domain method,we investigated theoretically the optical properties and the plasmonic interactions between a gold film perfor