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现就东方红—60/70等机车在起动过程中常见的错误方法列举一二.1.减速器变速杆置于空档.有的机车因起动离合器调整不当或其它原因,在副机起动发生困难时,便把减速器变速杆置于空档,待副机着火后,再进行挂档结合,造成减速器严重打齿或因副机突然增加负荷而使副机熄火.正确方法应是先将自动分离手柄压下,使齿圈与飞轮齿圈结合后再将手柄抬起,减速器变速杆置于I档或Ⅱ时方能进行副机起动.副机着火后再平稳接合离合器.当出现挂档后副机不易起动时,应查明原因排除后再起动.2.强行提高副机转速.起动机上安装的调速器是单程式调速器,只限制最高转速,其额定最高转速为1500转/分.当副机转速过低或转速起不来时,有些机手便用手拉调速器拉杆的方法强行提高副机转速,使副机超速运转,导致出现飞车事故.因此,当出现副机转速过低或转速起不来时,应查明原因,决不允许用手拉动拉杆来提高副机转速.3.提前向主机供油.尤其是冬季起动比较困难时,许多机手急于求成,在预热不够的情况下,减压手柄在预热位置或减速器变速杆Ⅰ档位置时即向主机供油.此时因主机转速不够和压缩比较小,缸内压 Now Dongfanghong -60 / 70 and other locomotives in the starting process of common mistakes cited a list of two.1 gear reducer placed in neutral.Some locomotive due to improper starting clutch adjustment or other reasons, the occurrence of the auxiliary machine When difficult, put the reducer gear lever in neutral, to be on fire after the auxiliary machine, and then linked to the gear, resulting in serious derailleurs or deputy due to a sudden increase in load and make the auxiliary machine flameout.The correct method should be the first The automatic separation handle is pressed down so that the ring gear and the flywheel ring gear and then lift the handle, reducer gear lever placed in I gear or Ⅱ when the auxiliary machine can start. Appear after hanging up the auxiliary machine is not easy to start, should identify the cause of the exclusion before starting .2 forcibly increase the speed of the auxiliary machine starter installed on the governor is a single-speed governor, only the maximum speed limit, the maximum rated speed 1500 rev / min.When the auxiliary machine speed is too low or the speed can not get up, some hands will use hand pull the governor rod method forcibly increase the speed of the auxiliary machine, so that the auxiliary machine speeding, resulting in speeding accident. , When there is too low speed or speed can not get up, should check Reason, never allow the lever to pull the hand to improve the speed of the auxiliary machine .3 ahead of the supply to the host.Especially winter start more difficult, many hurried to success, in the case of insufficient preheating, decompression handle in the Preheat position or reducer gearshift lever Ⅰ position when the oil supply to the host.At this time because the host speed is not enough and the compression ratio is small,
女孩子的胃比男孩子的要小,所以,她们正餐时吃的很少,但经常要吃零食。  西藏能供给女孩子打牙祭的东西实在太少了,我们每天馋得思来想去,只好“精神会餐”。  有一天,果平对我们说:“喂!想不想吃烤羊肉啊?”  大家异口同声地说:“那还用问?当然想吃啦。”连我也跟着一块儿喊,虽然我不吃羊肉,但我喜欢凑热闹。  果平说:“那我们先筹集原料。”大家就分头活动,很快就搞到了孜然、辣椒面和盐。但烤羊肉最主要的
补考3次勉强及格  从一名普通列兵成长为军区有名的狙击枪王需要多长时间?第二十六集团军某旅侦察班长邹腾飞用了8年时间来回答这个问题。  前年9月的一天,中原腹地某训练基地暴雨如注,济南军区侦察兵大比武精确狙击课目却如期进行。按照抽签顺序,中士邹腾飞持枪第一个登场二由于恶劣天气影响,400米外已是模糊一片,几乎看不到靶子。  第一个l.场加之天气恶劣,邹腾飞略微有些紧张。他深吸一口气,脑海中飞速回放
86团修造厂,继1989年研制出3BMG—9型膜上灌铺膜机后,1994年又研制生产出第二代2BMG—8型沟植平铺膜上灌播种机并在春播前生产出18台投入春播. 86 regiment manufacturing p