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[目的]明确山西省苹果树腐烂病主要致病菌Valsa mali对甲基硫菌灵、苯醚甲环唑和嘧菌酯3种常用防治药剂的敏感性,为苹果树腐烂病化学防治提供依据。[方法]采用菌落生长速率法测定了山西省8个苹果产区分离到的53个黑腐皮病菌V.mali菌株对3种杀菌剂的敏感性。[结果]3种杀菌剂EC_(50)范围依次为0.013~1.027 mg/L(均值为0.516 mg/L)、0.042~41.372 mg/L(均值为7.509mg/L)和0.003~0.309 mg/L(均值为0.035 mg/L)。[结论]频次正态分布敏感性聚类分析表明:V.mali菌株群体对甲基硫菌灵的EC_(50)呈近正态分布,以EC_(50)均值作为甲基硫菌灵的相对敏感基线,未检测到甲基硫菌灵抗性菌株;V.mali菌株出现了对嘧菌酯和苯醚甲环唑敏感性降低的亚群体。敏感性聚类分析结果表明:山西省苹果树腐烂病菌株对药剂的敏感性无地域性差异。交互抗性分析结果表明:3种药剂两两间无交互抗性。 [Objective] The research aimed to determine the sensitivity of Valsa mali, a major pathogen of apple tree rot disease in Shanxi province, to three common control agents, thiophanate-methyl, difenoconazole and azoxystrobin, to provide the basis for chemical control of apple tree rot disease . [Method] The sensitivity of 53 strains of V.mali isolated from 8 apple producing areas in Shanxi Province to 3 fungicides was determined by colony growth rate method. [Results] The range of EC 50 of the three fungicides was 0.013-1.027 mg / L (mean 0.516 mg / L), 0.042-41.372 mg / L (mean 7.509 mg / L) and 0.003-0.309 mg / L (Mean 0.035 mg / L). [Conclusion] The results of frequency-normal distribution sensitivity cluster analysis showed that EC 50 of V.mali strain population was almost normal distribution to thiophanate-methyl, and the EC 50 mean value was the relative value of thiophanate-methyl Sensitive baseline, did not detect thiophanate-methyl resistant strains; V.mali strains appeared susceptible to azoxystrobin and difenoconazole sub-population. Sensitivity cluster analysis showed that there was no regional difference in the sensitivity of the apple tree rot disease isolates to the pesticides in Shanxi Province. The results of cross-resistance analysis showed that there was no cross-resistance among the three drugs.
雄安不是一天两天就能建成的,所以,将眼睛盯着炒房、炒股票、炒车牌……这格局似乎也太小了吧。 Xiong An is not built in two days a day, so, staring at the real estat
摘要:所谓建筑工程的施工管理就是工程项目自立项施工准备工作开始一直到竣工验收全过程的管理行为。现代施工管理对于建筑工程项目的质量有着至关重要的影响,不仅是工程施工安全的保证,而且还是建筑工程项目竣工验收后使用性与安全性的保证。  关键字:现代建筑;施工管理;创新  中图分类号:TU71 文献标识码: A  引言  在改革开放之前,建筑行业属于懵懂的状态,技术水平落后,到今天的科技化水准,虽然发展壮