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种植粘玉米是增加收入的有效措施,因此,必须提前播种扣膜,只要精心管理,就能提前上市,价高,好销售,亩收入达1800多元。 一、选茬整地 一般来说,在房前屋后种植好,因挡风,日光强,散热量大,最适应种粘玉米,对粘玉米生长十分有利。在播种中,采取起垅、刨坑、施 Planting sticky corn is an effective measure to increase income. Therefore, it is necessary to sow the buckle film ahead of schedule. As long as careful management is carried out, it will be listed ahead of schedule with high prices and good sales. The revenue of mu will reach over 1800 yuan. First, the election cropping Generally speaking, in the front of the house planted well, because of the wind, strong sunlight, large heat, the most adaptable species of sticky corn, sticky corn growth is very favorable. In sowing, take 垅, planing pit, Shi